Bomber Bar Motala

Prästgatan 3, Motala

Saturday 24 May 2025, 8 pm - 2 am.


FKÜ | Mezzrow

The thrash tour of this year is hereMake sure you book this in your thrash calendar! We promise awesome evenings together with F.K.Ü. and Methane. See you all in the pit! This, by the way, won't be a place for posers or wimps in general.

#clashofthrashsweden2025 #fkü #methane #mezzrowswedishthrashmetal #dreamtidemusicmanagementandagency #thrashhardneversurrender #onceathrasheralwaysathrasher #swedishthrashmetal #summonthydemons #thencamethekillling #reigningphoenixmusic #rpmroar.

Entrance fee: 130-250 DKK

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