Arkiv: Overstået event

Strandpromenaden 1, Helsingør

Tuesday 1 August 2024, 6.30 pm.

Organizer: Helsingør Teater



Gadeteater. Aldersgruppe: Fra 12 år. Varighed: 40 min uden pause.

"Structures" is a contemporary site-specific circus performance as a living canvas that tests boundaries between land/body and sound/image.
a performative landscape of five physical performers that shows the essence of physical expression of circus bodies, land art and sound, inspired by the French vineyards, champaigne cellars, today's champagne workers, viewed through the lenses of ecology.
the performance relates to the structure of the architecture on the specific site. It questions the boundaries between architecture, nature, and humans.Tthe focus is the connection between the sea and the land

Medvirkende: Mille Lundt

Konsulent: Cille Lansade
Konsulent: Delphine Lanson
Konsulent: Magali Sizon
Konsulent: Natalie Blanc.

Entrance fee: Løssalg: 90 DKK