Arkiv: Overstået event

Bagsværd Hovedgade 116 P, Bagsværd

Wednesday 29 January 2025, 4.30 pm - 5 pm.

Film: Other movies

Teddy Time - Bamsebio in English

Bring your favorite teddy bear and stop by Bibliografen for story time and a selection of short films. Everything is in English this time!

Our children's librarian will read a story aloud followed by a few short films, both on the big cinema screen, while you enjoy our cozy seats. Afterwards you and your family are invited to Teddy's Social Canteen (Bamses Folkekøkken) where we have dinner together in the library space with delicious food from our neighbouring restaurant Nalymit (requires tickets that are sold separately).

Teddy Time/Bamsebio is the definition of Danish "hygge".

Please note that you need to buy tickets for both children and adults, and it is necessary to buy separate tickets for Teddy Time and Teddy's Social Canteen.

Entrance fee: 20 DKK

Read more on the website Search movie showtimes