Arkiv: Overstået event
Huset KBH

Rådhusstræde 13, Copenhagen K

Friday 4 October 2024, 8 pm - 9.30 pm.


Dancing w/ ai | xenon residency

Dancing w/ AI: Interaktiv performance om Mennesker og Algoritmer. Dato: 4-5 oktober 2024. Venue: Xenon, 4. Etage. Show: 20:00. Entré: 90 kr.

DANCING W/ AI aka OBEY THE ALGORITHM er en interaktiv performance om, hvordan mennesker forholder sig til kunstig intelligens og sociale mediers algoritmer. Forestillingen viser, hvordan vi både er brugere og produkter i et uigennemsigtigt online system. Publikum inviteres til at lege med en AI, som skaber regler og handlinger til showet, der foregår i en nær fremtid med avanceret teknologi.
Menneskerne bag:
Esben Holk er en visuel kunstner og spiludvikler, der arbejder med online medier, teknologi og kreativ kodning. De blander billeder fra internettet og personlige ting i kaotiske systemer for at skabe sjove, digitale verdener, der blander deres queer-liv og politik med online livet. Holk har udstillet med Transmediale, CTM, Museum of Human Achievement og andre steder.
Roomies Production er et kollektiv, der består af Alba Greve og Clara Randum. De bruger historiske begivenheder, mediekritik og publikumsdeltagelse til at belyse vores verden. De blev kendt for deres forestilling Unboxing the Gallery på Warsaw Fringe Festival og The Ocean Boy Princess Twice a Day Show i København. De er ved at blive eksperter i interaktive sceneshows med publikum.
DANCING W/ AI aka OBEY THE ALGORITHM is a participatory stage performance about the human relationship with Artificial Intelligence, the algorithms on social media, and the human dual role as both user and product in an increasingly opaque online system. Audience members are invited to play with an AI, which in turn outputs systems, actions and rules for a generative stage show set somewhere deep in the not-so-distant near-future techno minds of life online.For their in-house residency at Xenon, Holk is developing and launching their own large language model that is trained to be a prompt engineer for performances; together with Roomies Production it will generate a participatory performance that questions humans' relationship to tech (-billionaires) & the power of algorithms.Esben Holk is a Visual Artist (BA Bergen Academy 2017), Video Game Designer (MA The Royal Academy 2023) & Creative Developer exploring virtual existentialism, -identity and technoscience through online media content dissemination & - consumption, worldbuilding technology and creative coding. Placing internet native image ecologies and personal artifacts in generative chaos systems, they create post-ironic bad jokes, digital interaction & procedural worlds, that collage into an ongoing rhizomatic fiction that blends their queer life & -politics with life online .Holk has amongst other places exhibited with Transmediale, Vorpiele, CTM, Museum of Human Achievement, Panke.Gallery & Die Digitale. feat Roomies Production aka Alba Greve & Clara Randum Roomies Production is a collective that aims to shed light on our world and all its realities using historical events, media critique, and audience participation. Investigating our contemporary realities, they insist on not looking away, but address artistic questions through humor, absurdity, and collectivity. Made famous in recent times with their performance Unboxing the Gallery at the Warsaw Fringe Festival in Poland, in collaboration with the Foundation Warsaw Bauhaus and The Ocean Boy Princess Twice a Day Show at the Büdteatret in Copenhagen, Alba Greve and Clara Randum are becoming experts in generative stage shows & audience participation.

Entrance fee: 90 DKK

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