Arkiv: Overstået event
Hotel Falster

Stubbekøbingvej 150, Nykøbing F

Friday 18 October 2024, 6 pm - 8 pm.

Organizer: Dansk Maltwhisky Akademi


Worlds Best Whisky - presented by Mike Fisher

Mike Fisher fra The English Whisky Co kommer (igen) til WWW Falster, og afholder en masterclass med produkter fra The English Whisky Co Ltd., blandt andet VERDENS BEDSTE WHISKY, den sherrylagrede whisky fra destilleriet.

Vi er endnu ikke helt på plads med, hvad vi skal smage, men det bliver en bred vifte af produkter fra destilleriet samt formentlig nogle fadprøver

Mike Fisher from The English Whisky Distillery will present a Master Class with products from the distillery - one of them will be THE WORLDS BEST WHISKY, the sherry matured whisky from the distillery. At this stage we have not a detailed list of whiskyes to be presented, but it will be a wide range of whiskyes and probably also a cask sample or two.

Entrance fee: 295 DKK