Arkiv: Overstået event
Huset KBH Musikcaféen

Rådhusstræde 13, 3. sal, Copenhagen K

Tuesday 6 February 2025, 7 pm - 11.59 pm.


Vinterjazz: Pussy Riot (leading by Diana Burkot) + Kanaan (NO) + New Age Doom (CA) | Musikcaféen

Feministisk oprører kendt fra Pussy Riot byder indenfor til musikalsk fest, der også byder på rifftung rock og et altomfavnende syretrip. Glæd dig til en aften med støj, energi og en ukuelig tro på, at musik altid er lig med frihed.

Diana Burkot (Pussy Riot) Kompromisløs kunst møder musik, når Diana Burkot - medlem af det legendariske Pussy Riot - indtager scenen. Med sin unikke kombination af eksperimenterende elektronisk musik, performancekunst og politiske budskaber skaber Diana Burkot en koncertoplevelse, der rækker langt ud over det sædvanlige.
Som grundlægger og nøglefigur i det russiske kunst- og aktivistkollektiv Pussy Riot har Diana Burkot været med til at forme en banebrydende kamp for frihed, feminisme og LGBTQ-rettigheder. Diana Burkot deltog i Pussy Riots mest ikoniske aktioner, herunder den verdensberømte protestoptræden i en katedral i Moskva, som førte til fængsling af to medlemmer.
Senest har hun været en del af Riot Days-verdens-turnéen, der kombinerer kunst, musik og aktivisme i kampen mod undertrykkelse og for fred - med særlig fokus på Ruslands krig i Ukraine.
Hendes solooptrædener er en intens blanding af hypnotiske beats, rå energi og provokerende visuelle elementer, der efterlader publikum både bevæget og inspireret.
Kanaan (NO) Klar til at stirre ud i rummet til rifftung instrumental rockmusik? Kanaan har din ryg! Nordmændene henter deres inspiration hos sværvægtere som Kyuss, MC5, Sleep og Hawkwind. Så er der højoktan benzin i tanken til en intens koncert fyldt med fede riffs og seje grooves. Kanaan leverer stort på live-energi og er et pragteksempel på powertrio-formatet.
New Age Doom (CA) New Age Doom er en eksperimenterende duo fra Vancouver, som kombinerer dronemetal, progressiv rock, jazz og dub i et helt vanvittigt lydunivers. Med samarbejder med bl.a. reggae-ikonet Lee "Scratch" Perry og medlemmer af Death Grips og Glassjaw er New Age Doom kendt for deres evne til at skabe noget helt nyt og uforudsigeligt.ENG:Diana Burkot (Pussy Riot)
The Russian art and activism collective Pussy Riot became internationally famous in the early 2010s thanks to their daring performances in support of freedom and against the oppressive regimes of Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church.
As a founding member, multidisciplinary artist Diana Burkot played a significant role in shaping Pussy Riot's ethos and participated in their most impactful events, including the protest performance in a Moscow cathedral that led to the arrest and imprisonment of two group members.
More recently, she was part of the Riot Days world tour, advocating for feminism, LGBTQ rights, and an end to Russia's war in Ukraine.
Diana's energetic performance with Pussy Riot embodies her dedication to human rights, peace, and a fearless approach to art and activism.Kanaan (NO)
Kanaan produce so much music that the fuzz pedals hardly need to be turned off between each session. Once again, they step out of the rehearsal room, and with them they've got the brand new album Downpour.
It's not difficult to hear that this is a continuation of their last album, Earthbound, and many of the ideas on Downpour came about when they recorded the previous record in Athletic Sound in Halden, where this one was recorded too. The heaviest songs on the album are a continuation of the idea of "The Great riff" and the feeling of overwhelm and ecstasy when one good riff is replaced by another. When it comes to those parts, bands like Kyuss, MC5, Sleep and Hawkwind are still great sources of inspiration - while Needlepoint and Dungen have been important for the more melodic material on the album.
You got to hold tight so you don't fall off your chair when they blast out the monster riffs on songs like "Orbit", "Solaris pt. 2" and not least "Amazon", where they are joined by one of Norway's most kick-ass guitarists, Hedvig Mollestad. All three members of the band have long been fans of Mollestad and her music, and the fact that she is on their record is a dream come true.
The band themselves say they feel that the chemistry and songwriting on this record, to a greater extent, allows them to own the rock language that they flirted with on Earthbound, and it feels like a worthy sequel to a record that has been very important in the band's history. It's hard not to agree with that.
Since Kanaan released their fourth album Earthbound on Jansen Records in November 2021, they've also managed to release the 27-minute long single "Beyond" and the session album Diversions vol. 1 - Softly through Sunshine, before they now release Downpour. There are no days off in the calendars of Eskild Myrvoll, Ingvald André Vassbø and Ask Vatn Strøm.
New Age Doom (CA)
Consisting of the core duo of Eric J. Breitenbach and Greg Valou plus an ever-expanding roster of Canadian and global musical talents, New Age Doom is a genre-defying platform for experimentation and collaboration where many musical and aesthetic interests combine and contrast to create.

Entrance fee: 200 DKK