Perhaps you have seen some people dancing a strange and funny dance. to swing music, or maybe you would like to learn to dance to. said music?
This is where the majority of hobby- and general social dancers belong. You are familiar with both rhythms and patterns as well as the technique that comes with it.
The dancers are introduced to the classic routines and most of the moves and figures within the capabilities of the instructor team. This ranges from a Frankie 6C over solo choreographies like Mama's stew to Dean Collins turns and new stuff an instructor just learned at a Lindy event. All the most-know moves like for example inside and outside turns, chase into back Charleston and Texas Tommy are introduced at this level.
If you cannot make it to every class or just want to participate in some of them, you can also pay 50dkk via Mobilepay when you attend a class.
Tuesday, 11th of March
Tuesday, 18th of March
Tuesday, 25th of March
Tuesday, 1st of April
Tuesday, 8th of April
Tuesday, 22nd of April
Tuesday, 29th of April
Tuesday, 6th of May
Tuesdays, 20:15 - 21:15
Social dance after class.
Buy/order ticket
This is where the majority of hobby- and general social dancers belong. You are familiar with both rhythms and patterns as well as the technique that comes with it.
The dancers are introduced to the classic routines and most of the moves and figures within the capabilities of the instructor team. This ranges from a Frankie 6C over solo choreographies like Mama's stew to Dean Collins turns and new stuff an instructor just learned at a Lindy event. All the most-know moves like for example inside and outside turns, chase into back Charleston and Texas Tommy are introduced at this level.
If you cannot make it to every class or just want to participate in some of them, you can also pay 50dkk via Mobilepay when you attend a class.
Tuesday, 11th of March
Tuesday, 18th of March
Tuesday, 25th of March
Tuesday, 1st of April
Tuesday, 8th of April
Tuesday, 22nd of April
Tuesday, 29th of April
Tuesday, 6th of May
Tuesdays, 20:15 - 21:15
Social dance after class.
Price: 350 DKK