Bremen Teater

Nyropsgade 39-41, Copenhagen V

Monday 1 December 2025, 7.30 pm.

Organizer: London Toast Theatre


Crazy Christmas 2025

KISS BANG BANG ! Can 007 hold on to his digit ?. Cabaret. Aldersgruppe: Fra 12 år. Varighed: 150 min med pause.

The Crazy Christmas show is BACK WITH A BANG
at Bremen Theatre in the heart of Copenhagen
written and directed by Vivienne McKee

"An antidote to winter depression"

"the craziest way to enjoy Christmas"

The Crazy Christmas comedy team is once again ready to riddle you with raunchy jokes, hit you with silly slapstick, grapple you with gags, and punch you to a pulp with this action-packed adventure as 006's mission takes him from Kensington to the icy tundras of Kazakhstan, the sweltering rainforests of Kuwait, the deserts of Korea and a stop-off for a coffee in Køge. Don't miss the Crazy Christmas team in this riotous spy comedy where laughter is the only weapon

Medvirkende: Vivienne McKee, David Bateson, Andrew Jeffers, Katrine Falkenberg, Kevin Kiernan-Molloy, Sebastian Harris, Stuart Goodstein

Producent: London Toast Theatre
Instruktør: Vivienne McKee
Scenograf: Kirsten Brink
Kapelmester: Stuart Goodstein
Lysdesigner: Malthe Haugaard
Lyddesigner: Claus Wolter
Forestillingsleder: Claus de Lichtenberg
Producent: Søren Hall
Konsulent: Ulla Håkansson
Koreograf: Peter Friis.

Entrance fee: Børn/Unge: 105-405 DKK, Gruppe, Børn/Unge: 40 DKK, Gruppe, Voksen: 135-435 DKK, Løssalg: 175-475 DKK

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