Salsa Viborg

Rughavevej 2A, Viborg

Tuesday 18 February 2025 to Tuesday 24 June 2025, 7.20 pm - 8.30 pm.

Dance training

Salsa & rueda de casino - øvet

Du vil lære forskellige figurer, nogle ved navn, nogle bare som en kombination. I Ruedas modalitet skifter vi "løbende" partnere, hvilket gør det meget dynamisk og sjovt på samme tid.

Vi vil fokusere på forskellige strukturer, der gør Rueda endnu mere interessant: Rueda Llanta, Contratio, Eco, Switch, Caminando, Por fuera, Dos parejas ...

Undervisningen løber over 18 undervisningslektioner a' 70 min.

Undervisningstiden er kl. 19.20-20.30.

Bemærk der er ferie i uge 16.

Du skal være medlem af foreningen for at deltage på det faste hold. Er du ikke det, koster det 50 kr. om året for medlemsskab (klik her:

Medlemskab af Salsa Viborg i 2025 | Salsa Viborg)

Der vil være fortrinsret for deltagere der kommer 'først til mølle'. Bliver holdene overtegnet modtager du en mail og får dine penge refunderet hvis du ikke kommer på holdet.

Instruktøren er Miguel Luna fra Aarhus. Han er professionel underviser med fast undervisning i Aarhus, Odense, Randers, Herning og Viborg.
He comes from Málaga, Spain. He teaches regularly in different events in Aarhus and its surrondings, where he lives. Miguel has danced Cuban salsa since 2014 and is often seen on the dance floors in Aarhus and neighbour cities. He has also participated in some salsa festivals and events around Europe. For instance Hamburg, Oslo, Copenhagen, Roskilde, Bergen, Madrid, Málaga, etc.
Miguel had previously taught "Latin Dances" in Horsens. From 2014 until 2017. At the Student Sports of VIA University College and his own place too.
He started teaching some workshops at Salsa Viborg around April 2015 and later on he began with weekly classes. Cuban Salsa and Rueda de Casino is the base in Salsa Viborg, although som Bachata has been taught too.
He started a new project called "Latin Dances Aarhus" in January 2016.
He has prepared some simple choreographies for his students in order to participate in diffrerent events. Northside, Dansens dag i Horsens, semester parties at VIA among others. Furthermore, he has taught salsa in different places like Fidel's, Cafe Paradis, CasaCarola, Regn, Rusk & Rueda 2015-19, Salsa Festival in Viborg 2016, Oslo Caribbean Feeling 18-19, Rueda Congress 18 (Málaga)-19 (Bergen), and of course, in his home town Málaga. He visited CUBA in November 2017. There he learned some more about the Cuban culture, their traditionel dances and the roots of Son Cubana. He took classes of afro and rumba styling and got a bit more into the Santería cubana world.

Price: 1170 DKK

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