Arkiv: Overstået event

Otto Busses Vej 45, Copenhagen SV

Tuesday 30 January 2025, 7 pm - 9 pm.


Quiz Night at BaneGaarden: Movies & TV

English version below //. Er du klar til at teste din viden og dykke ned i sjove og udfordrende quiztemaer?

Til vores quizaftener på BaneGaarden kan du og dine venner konkurrere om, hvem der ved mest om alt fra magiske universer til nostalgiske tilbageblik.
Hver aften har et unikt tema - så saml dit team, skærp din viden, og vær med til at dyste i forskellige universer og tidsepoker.
Kommende temaer:
  • 12. december: Harry Potter
  • 16. januar: Lord of the Rings
  • 23. januar: 90'er Trivia
  • 30. januar: Film & TV
. Praktisk info:
  • Tid: 19.00-21.00
  • Pris: 100 kr.
  • Bemærk: Billetten inkluderer ikke mad
. Quizzen foregår på engelsk.
Think you've got what it takes to win? Join us for quiz nights at BaneGaarden, where you and your friends can battle it out to see who knows the most about everything from magical worlds to nostalgic throwbacks.
Each night brings a new theme, so there's something for everyone - from Harry Potter to the best of the 90s. Gather your team, get in the zone, and enjoy a fun night with good laughs and great questions.
Upcoming themes:
  • December 12: Harry Potter
  • January 16: Lord of the Rings
  • January 23: 90s Trivia
  • January 30: Movies & TV
. Practical info:
  • Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Price: 100 DKK
  • Note: Tickets do not include food, but our food stalls will be open, and you're welcome to enjoy your meal during the quiz.
. The quiz will be in English.

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