¨*:·. SYNG LYSET.·:*¨ MED MAMAS OF PEARL (ENGLISH below)Vintersolhvervs Ceremoni med Ceremoniel Kakao.·:*¨¨* ~*~ *¨¨*:·.Du er hermed inviteret til vintersolhvervs ceremoni i Villa Wilders smukke lokaler på Christianshavn, hvor vi sammen SYNGER LYSET.
Vintersolhverv, er den dag på året, med færrest lyse timer og den længste nat. Solhverv stammer fra oldnordisk og betyder "solvending" og betyder at solen nu vender tilbage og at dagene herefter bliver lysere. Denne særlige dag kalder på selvreflektion, egenomsorg, fællesskab og fejring af året der gik og de lysere tider der kommer os i møde. Det er en rigtig god dag at give slip på det gamle og sette intentioner for det nye.Vi kommer både til at synge enkle ceremonielle sange og lave stemme healings meditationer over lystemaet. For at understøtte vores lysrejse, drikker vi hjerteåbnende ceremoniel cakao af bedste kvalitet lavet på Criollo kakaobønner fra Peru.Du er meget velkommen til at medbringe en genstand til at lægge ind i vores fælles lysalter under ceremonien. Det kan fx være en sten, lykkeamulet eller et foto af en du har kær, med andre ord en genstand der for dig giver LYS.SYNG LYSET er for ALLE stemmer og ingen forkundskaber er nødvendige. Det handler ikke om at synge "perfekt," men om intention, feeling og ikke mindst healing. Fællessang styrker bl.a. vores helbred, vores glædesfølelse, intelligens og kreativitet.Vi starter ud med en kort stemmeopvarmning. Sangene er enkle, så alle kan synge med, og egner sig til fællessang selvom man ikke har øvet inden. Hvis du ikke selv ønsker at synge er det også helt i oren at bare læne dig tilbage og nyde sangen fra gruppen. Der vil være et nøje udpluk af de smukkeste hjerteåbnende sange af os Mamas of Pearl. Vi vil akkompagnere med guitar, shamantromme og harmonium.PRAKTISKPris:Earlybird inden d. 11/11 kl. 00.00Fuld pris 375krStuderende/ledige 300krEfter d. 11/11Fuld pris 450krStuderende/ledige 375krHusk:Sørg for at have spist let inden. Kom i behageligt løstsiddende tøj. Medbring en vandflaske, din egen yndlingskop til kakaoen.Link for our fb page: www.facebook.com/mamasofpearlLinks for our music:Ritschas da l'aua (a Swiss water blessing song):https://youtu.be/_h9M0yJGZ4oWater: https://youtu.be/PNg2vl1lpJYSol y luna (an ode to the sun, the moon and the creative powers):https://youtu.be/MP_Eg2DMbbsThe Letter (based on a poem by RUMI):https://youtu.be/fr-B9Sze5XwMAMAS OF PEARL's is a musical duo consisting of the two songwriters and solo artists Veronika Stalder from Switzerland & Annette Odimer from Norway/Denmark. The bedrock of MAMAS of PEARL's musical collaboration is the symbiosis of music, nature and healing. Their musical universe is strongly inspired by nature and our right to be free and sovereign human beings. Singing to and from the earth, air, water, fire, our hearts and the universe, their songs always seek that place where everything falls into place. Alongside their resonant voices, MAMAS OF PEARL's instrumentation consists of guitar, harmonium and shamanic drum and violin. The concerts of MAMAS OF PEARL's can have a ceremonial frame and are a mix of concert and singing together with the audience. The intention is to sing each other home and create a meditative healing space where the singing becomes prayers, blessings, praises and expressions of gratitude.The name MAMAS OF PEARL, is inspired by mother of pearl, which is the name of the substance inside a shell that is said to be the belly of the pearl, protecting it from outside pollutants and parasites. MAMAS OF PEARL's vision is to be like the mother of pearl of both their musical co-creation and their audience; to create a beautiful protective and musical space where healing and heart expansion can take place.ABOUT THE SINGERS/MUSICIANSVeronika and Annette met for the first time in Spain at at at workshop Education in Vocal Sound therapy , where they found in each other a soul mate to bring together both their gifts for healing and harmonizing through their voices.As well as being part of various musical projects, Veronika and Annette are also the founders of their own individual bands; Veronikas' Ndiigo & Annette Odimer -Love Your Way, where they each have released several albums and singles with their own songs for which both have earned critical acclaim. Veronika has won the Russian World Music Award in 2016 with the Authentic Light Orchestra, and has sung a duet with Serj Tarkian for the movie "The Promise" (Terry George).Moreover, both songwriters are vocal sound healers and experienced facilitators of voice healing workshops, song circles and have each composed many ceremonial songs. Veronika has published two CDs with a song book of healing songs for the sacred feminine with the group Moia-voices. Annette is a certified sound healer from Githa ben David's International Education in Vocal Sound Therapy, has received voice education from Roy Hart in France, and is also educated as an actor.Water -this sacred and mysterious elixir that transcends the physical realm is a fascination for both singers. Water is a mother to them, the great mother of life. Water has a special place in their music and is a constant inspiration and source of songs. Their great passion is also to facilitate singing spaces where people gather to get closer to our truth and sense of oneness.*:·. SING THE LIGHT .·:*¨ WITH MAMAS OF PEARLWinter Solstice Ceremony with Ceremonial Cacao.·:*¨¨* ~*~ *¨¨*:·.You are hereby invited to the winter solstice ceremony in beautiful of Villa Wilder on Christianshavn, where we will SING THE LIGHT/SYNGE LYSET together. The winter solstice is the day of the year with the fewest hours of daylight and the longest night. Solstice comes from Old Norse and means "sun turning," signifying that the sun is now returning and that the days will become brighter. This special day calls for self-reflection, self-care, community, and celebration of the past year and the brighter times ahead. It is a great day to let go of the old and set intentions for the new. We will both sing simple ceremonial songs and conduct voice healing meditations over the light theme.To support our journey of light, we will drink heart-opening ceremonial cacao of the highest quality made from Criollo cocoa beans from Peru.You are very welcome to bring an item to place on our light altar during the ceremony. It could be a stone, a lucky charm, or a photo of a beloved one -in other words, an object that brings you LIGHT.SINGING THE LIGHT is for ALL voices, and no prior experience is necessary. It's not about singing "perfectly," but about intention, feeling, and above all, healing. Group singing strengthens, among other things, our health, our sense of joy, intelligence and creativity.We will start with a short vocal warm-up. The songs are simple, so everyone can sing along, and they are suitable for group singing even if you haven't practiced beforehand. If you don't want to sing yourself, it's perfectly fine to just lean back and enjoy the singing of the group. There will be a carefully selected collection of the most beautiful heart-opening songs from us, Mamas of Pearl. We will accompany with guitar, shamanic drums, and harmonium.PRACTICALPrice:Early bird before 11/11 at 00:00Full price 375 DKKStudents/unemployed 300 DKKAfter 11/11Full price 450 DKKStudents 375 DKKRemember:Make sure to eat light beforehand. Wear comfortable loose-fitting clothing. Bring a water bottle, your favorite cup for the cacao.
Vintersolhverv, er den dag på året, med færrest lyse timer og den længste nat. Solhverv stammer fra oldnordisk og betyder "solvending" og betyder at solen nu vender tilbage og at dagene herefter bliver lysere. Denne særlige dag kalder på selvreflektion, egenomsorg, fællesskab og fejring af året der gik og de lysere tider der kommer os i møde. Det er en rigtig god dag at give slip på det gamle og sette intentioner for det nye.Vi kommer både til at synge enkle ceremonielle sange og lave stemme healings meditationer over lystemaet. For at understøtte vores lysrejse, drikker vi hjerteåbnende ceremoniel cakao af bedste kvalitet lavet på Criollo kakaobønner fra Peru.Du er meget velkommen til at medbringe en genstand til at lægge ind i vores fælles lysalter under ceremonien. Det kan fx være en sten, lykkeamulet eller et foto af en du har kær, med andre ord en genstand der for dig giver LYS.SYNG LYSET er for ALLE stemmer og ingen forkundskaber er nødvendige. Det handler ikke om at synge "perfekt," men om intention, feeling og ikke mindst healing. Fællessang styrker bl.a. vores helbred, vores glædesfølelse, intelligens og kreativitet.Vi starter ud med en kort stemmeopvarmning. Sangene er enkle, så alle kan synge med, og egner sig til fællessang selvom man ikke har øvet inden. Hvis du ikke selv ønsker at synge er det også helt i oren at bare læne dig tilbage og nyde sangen fra gruppen. Der vil være et nøje udpluk af de smukkeste hjerteåbnende sange af os Mamas of Pearl. Vi vil akkompagnere med guitar, shamantromme og harmonium.PRAKTISKPris:Earlybird inden d. 11/11 kl. 00.00Fuld pris 375krStuderende/ledige 300krEfter d. 11/11Fuld pris 450krStuderende/ledige 375krHusk:Sørg for at have spist let inden. Kom i behageligt løstsiddende tøj. Medbring en vandflaske, din egen yndlingskop til kakaoen.Link for our fb page: www.facebook.com/mamasofpearlLinks for our music:Ritschas da l'aua (a Swiss water blessing song):https://youtu.be/_h9M0yJGZ4oWater: https://youtu.be/PNg2vl1lpJYSol y luna (an ode to the sun, the moon and the creative powers):https://youtu.be/MP_Eg2DMbbsThe Letter (based on a poem by RUMI):https://youtu.be/fr-B9Sze5XwMAMAS OF PEARL's is a musical duo consisting of the two songwriters and solo artists Veronika Stalder from Switzerland & Annette Odimer from Norway/Denmark. The bedrock of MAMAS of PEARL's musical collaboration is the symbiosis of music, nature and healing. Their musical universe is strongly inspired by nature and our right to be free and sovereign human beings. Singing to and from the earth, air, water, fire, our hearts and the universe, their songs always seek that place where everything falls into place. Alongside their resonant voices, MAMAS OF PEARL's instrumentation consists of guitar, harmonium and shamanic drum and violin. The concerts of MAMAS OF PEARL's can have a ceremonial frame and are a mix of concert and singing together with the audience. The intention is to sing each other home and create a meditative healing space where the singing becomes prayers, blessings, praises and expressions of gratitude.The name MAMAS OF PEARL, is inspired by mother of pearl, which is the name of the substance inside a shell that is said to be the belly of the pearl, protecting it from outside pollutants and parasites. MAMAS OF PEARL's vision is to be like the mother of pearl of both their musical co-creation and their audience; to create a beautiful protective and musical space where healing and heart expansion can take place.ABOUT THE SINGERS/MUSICIANSVeronika and Annette met for the first time in Spain at at at workshop Education in Vocal Sound therapy , where they found in each other a soul mate to bring together both their gifts for healing and harmonizing through their voices.As well as being part of various musical projects, Veronika and Annette are also the founders of their own individual bands; Veronikas' Ndiigo & Annette Odimer -Love Your Way, where they each have released several albums and singles with their own songs for which both have earned critical acclaim. Veronika has won the Russian World Music Award in 2016 with the Authentic Light Orchestra, and has sung a duet with Serj Tarkian for the movie "The Promise" (Terry George).Moreover, both songwriters are vocal sound healers and experienced facilitators of voice healing workshops, song circles and have each composed many ceremonial songs. Veronika has published two CDs with a song book of healing songs for the sacred feminine with the group Moia-voices. Annette is a certified sound healer from Githa ben David's International Education in Vocal Sound Therapy, has received voice education from Roy Hart in France, and is also educated as an actor.Water -this sacred and mysterious elixir that transcends the physical realm is a fascination for both singers. Water is a mother to them, the great mother of life. Water has a special place in their music and is a constant inspiration and source of songs. Their great passion is also to facilitate singing spaces where people gather to get closer to our truth and sense of oneness.*:·. SING THE LIGHT .·:*¨ WITH MAMAS OF PEARLWinter Solstice Ceremony with Ceremonial Cacao.·:*¨¨* ~*~ *¨¨*:·.You are hereby invited to the winter solstice ceremony in beautiful of Villa Wilder on Christianshavn, where we will SING THE LIGHT/SYNGE LYSET together. The winter solstice is the day of the year with the fewest hours of daylight and the longest night. Solstice comes from Old Norse and means "sun turning," signifying that the sun is now returning and that the days will become brighter. This special day calls for self-reflection, self-care, community, and celebration of the past year and the brighter times ahead. It is a great day to let go of the old and set intentions for the new. We will both sing simple ceremonial songs and conduct voice healing meditations over the light theme.To support our journey of light, we will drink heart-opening ceremonial cacao of the highest quality made from Criollo cocoa beans from Peru.You are very welcome to bring an item to place on our light altar during the ceremony. It could be a stone, a lucky charm, or a photo of a beloved one -in other words, an object that brings you LIGHT.SINGING THE LIGHT is for ALL voices, and no prior experience is necessary. It's not about singing "perfectly," but about intention, feeling, and above all, healing. Group singing strengthens, among other things, our health, our sense of joy, intelligence and creativity.We will start with a short vocal warm-up. The songs are simple, so everyone can sing along, and they are suitable for group singing even if you haven't practiced beforehand. If you don't want to sing yourself, it's perfectly fine to just lean back and enjoy the singing of the group. There will be a carefully selected collection of the most beautiful heart-opening songs from us, Mamas of Pearl. We will accompany with guitar, shamanic drums, and harmonium.PRACTICALPrice:Early bird before 11/11 at 00:00Full price 375 DKKStudents/unemployed 300 DKKAfter 11/11Full price 450 DKKStudents 375 DKKRemember:Make sure to eat light beforehand. Wear comfortable loose-fitting clothing. Bring a water bottle, your favorite cup for the cacao.
Entrance fee: 300-375 DKK