Arkiv: Overstået event

Bergsgatan 29, Malmö

Tuesday 19 September 2024, 7 pm - 9 pm.

Other performances

And the Bull - Cornelius

DATES: 19-20/9 // ON STAGE 19.00 // DOORS 18.45 // DURATION: 90 MIN // PLACE: TBA. He says: My mother said I've become Boarish. And so I am. Writhing on the bench. Writhing on the table. Becoming an animal.

A performance for a kitchen table, in homes, for small groups of audience. And the Bull jumps between the epic and the mundane and from body to body-ody-ody.

It's maybe a poem, maybe a party, maybe a monologue, maybe a performance, maybe an object, maybe a joke, maybe true.

And the Bull touches on themes of queer desire, loss/heartbreak, dissociation, reassociation and being together. Pasiphae said it best to Daedalus ""Build me a box so I can get that bull cock inside me.


Cornelius is a conceptual artist working with performance, poetics and objects. Combining high theory, low entertainment and rigorous theatrical training- their performances emerge in borderlands between theater, nightlife and choreography. Over 15 years of drag making and producing their body of work that follows threads of togetherness, queer futurity, theatricality, frame fuckery, misreading, encounter and jokes. Implicitly queer but sick of saying it


Written and performed by Cornelius.

Entrance fee: 175-250 DKK