Arkiv: Overstået event
Huset KBH Musikcaféen

Rådhusstræde 13, 3. sal, Copenhagen K

Friday 18 October 2024, 8 pm - 11 pm.


Huset x Loppen: Gurriers (IE) + support: Ponny | Musikcaféen

Gurriers:Gurriers blev skabt midt i pandemiens hede og er siden blevet den nyeste tilføjelse til Dublins musikscene med deres mix af post-punk, støjrock og shoegaze.

Gurriers består af et tætknyttet og højrøstet slæng på fem bestående af Dan Hoff, Emmet White, Ben O'Neill, Mark MacCormack and Pierce Callaghan, der har formået at forfine kunsten at være både venner, roommates og ikke mindst kollegaer på en og samme gang.
Gennem de sidste to år har Gurriers udviklet deres farligt afhængighedsskabende lyd, der indtil videre er kulmineret i to singler, opvarmningskoncerter for Goat Girl og Enola Gay, udsolgte koncerter på den famøse London klub Brixton Windmill.
Bandet beskriver deres liveshows som lovløse, højrøstede og turbulente, drevet af et undertrykt behov for at optræde under bandets alt for lange tid i øvelokalet under pandemien.
Vi er klar på, at Gurriers blæser taget af Huset! Er du?Support: PonnyPonny er et ungt aarhusiansk band, der skriver en blanding af prinsessepunk og dad rock.Bandet består af Laura Maj Zeuthen (bas/vokal), Anna Raaber (guitar/vokal) og Asta Rebien (trommer/råb), der med deres kemi og humoristiske tekster skaber en inklusiv og energisk koncertoplevelse. Ponnys sange rører ved temaer som feminint hysteri, dårlige minder og human consumption, alt imens de dykker ned i larmen.
Til efteråret udgiver Ponny sin debut EP.___________________________________________
Gurriers:Gurriers was created in the middle of the lockdowns during the pandemic, claiming their place as the newest addition to Dublin's alternative music scene with their mix of post-punk, noise and shoegaze. Gurriers is made up of a tightly knitted and loud gang of five consisting of the members Dan Hoff, Emmet White, Ben O'Neill, Mark MacCormack and Pierce Callaghan who have managed to refine the art of being both friends, roommates and colleagues all at once.
During the last two years the Gurriers have expanded on their dangerously addictive sound, which have culminated in two singles, opening gigs for Goat Girl and Enola Gay and sold out shows at the famous London club Brixton Windmill.
The band describes their live shows as unruly, loud and turbulent, driven by a suppressed need to perform during their long stay in their rehearsal space under the pandemic.
We are ready for Gurriers blowing off the roof of Huset! Are you?Support: PonnyPonny is a newly formed band from Aarhus, writing a mixture of princess punk and dad rock. The band consists of Laura Maj Zeuthen (bass/vocals), Anna Raaber (guitar/vocals), and Asta Rebien (drums/yells), who with their chemistry and humorous lyrics, make an inclusive and energetic concert experience. Ponny's songs touch upon themes such as feminine rage, haunting memories, and human consumption, all while diving into the noise. In the autumn Ponny will release its debut EP.

Entrance fee: 60 DKK