An Evening of Melodic Emotions and aesthetic Expression. Supriya Chatterjee - Odissi danceSubhanakar Chatterjee - vocalBerndt Petroschka - pakhwaj, percussionKristina Neeser - tanpura.
The sculpturesque, spiritual dance Odissi is an oldest Indian Classical dance form comes from 200 BCE. It's a major ancient Indian Classical Dance form that originated in the Temples of Orissa-an eastern costal state of India. The enchanting dance postures of Odissi have been taken from the sculpture sculpted on the temple of Orissa. Before it was only used to present in the temple for the deity and others were not allowed to see the dancer. Later Padmabibhushan Guru Kelucharan Mahapatra the legendary Odissi dancer, Guru and an exponent who has popularized Odissi dance amongst in the audience all over the world in 20th century. The dancer describe different stories of Love, anger, betrayal, happiness, sorrow and sometimes the dance describe the beauty and the virtues of different Gods and Goddesses from ancient religious literatures.
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The sculpturesque, spiritual dance Odissi is an oldest Indian Classical dance form comes from 200 BCE. It's a major ancient Indian Classical Dance form that originated in the Temples of Orissa-an eastern costal state of India. The enchanting dance postures of Odissi have been taken from the sculpture sculpted on the temple of Orissa. Before it was only used to present in the temple for the deity and others were not allowed to see the dancer. Later Padmabibhushan Guru Kelucharan Mahapatra the legendary Odissi dancer, Guru and an exponent who has popularized Odissi dance amongst in the audience all over the world in 20th century. The dancer describe different stories of Love, anger, betrayal, happiness, sorrow and sometimes the dance describe the beauty and the virtues of different Gods and Goddesses from ancient religious literatures.
Entrance fee: 120 DKK