Arkiv: Overstået event
Spillestedet Stengade

Stengade 18, Copenhagen N

Sunday 3 March 2024, 8 pm - 11.59 pm.


Harp Twins [US] + Special Guest: Kragetær

Navnet siger det hele! Amerikanske Harp Twins kommer forbi Stengade med deres harper og spiller deres egen udgaver af kendte rock og metla numre samt deres egen folkelige musik.

Kragetær starter aftenen ud med sprudlende folkemusike med energi, fængende-blændende melodier og storslåede vers, som med garanti vil sætte gang i de siddenes fødder og de ståendes danseben.Harp Twins:Identical twin harpists Camille and Kennerly Kitt, known as the HARP TWINS, have achieved extraordinary success by taking Electric Harps and Concert Grand Harps to unprecedented levels and smashing boundaries betweendifferent genres of music. The twins' ability to reinvent the harp has given them the opportunity to represent the United States at four different World HarpFestivals and tour their live show worldwide. The duo has amassed over 2.5 million fans across their social media sites and over 150 million views on their YouTube music videos, making Camille and Kennerly the most followed and recognizable harp duo in the world. Their stunning live show featuring virtuoso harp arrangements of rock, metal, and their own Nordic Celtic originals comes to a powerful finale as the Harp Twins are joined by the Volfgang Twins on double Viking Drums. The Harp Twins deliver exciting, comedic, and interactive performances audiences cannot forget!
"Intrepid musicians. If you live long enough, you get to hear this (Harp Twins')version of White Wedding! ~Billy Idol"Rather than turn their attention to obvious, classically grounded territory, TheHarp Twins have made a name for themselves covering the likes of Iron Maiden,offering classics a fascinating new lease on life." ~Metal Hammer Magazine
"Elegant, wistful, excellent!" ~CBS News
"Some things in the world are so beautiful and pure attempting to describe themin words would be futile. Such is the case with electric harpists, and identicaltwins, Camille and Kennerly." ~HuffPostær:Kragetær spiller folkemusik. Men ikke bare hvilken som helst folkemusik. De tre medlemmer så på hinanden, nikkede i uenighed og begyndte at hidkalde safter og kræfter fra det grimme og det vulgære, fra døden og dens ofre, fra det pompøse til det grandiose og det poetiske og det nænsomme. Med deres usædvanlige besætning af violin, strengeinstrumenter af forskellig art, harmonika og drejelire træder de ud på dybt vand, for at finde den forsvundne akkord og de sandeste vers. Kragetærs musik vil få dem der synes at have svaret på det hele, til at være i tvivl om hvad man får, når man deler en citron på midten. 115 kr in pre-sale / 125 kr at the door!

Entrance fee: 115 DKK