English below. Gallafesten er en aften, hvor det danske-amerikanske venskab hyldes. En aften med hygge, en menu, der er nænsomt kreeret, talere og underholdning.
Aftenen vil bl.a. byde på musikunderholdning fra RYAN SAM fra dansk musiker bosiddende i New York.
3-retters nænsomt kreeret sommer-menuinkl. vin, øl, sodavand ad lib. under middagen
Betalingsbar efter middagen
Dørene åbnes kl. 17.30. OBS! Ønsker du/I sidde sammen i en gruppen, hver opmærksom på at bestille billetterne samlet. Vi kan ikke love, at man kan sidde sammen ved et bord pga. planlægningen
The GalaThe Gala is when the Danish American friendship is paid tribute. An evening filled with hygge, a menu created accordingly to the season, speakers and entertainment
During the dinner, RYAN SAM - a Danish musician from New York - will entertain
Menu:Welcome drink
3-course dinner created accordingly to the season
Incl. wine, beer, soft drinks ad libitum during dinnerCoffee / tea
Pay-bar after dinner
The doors will open at 5.30 PM
NOTE! Do you wish to be seated at a special table with a certain group, please make sure to order the tickets collectively! We cannot promise that you will be seated at a certain table due to the planning.
Aftenen vil bl.a. byde på musikunderholdning fra RYAN SAM fra dansk musiker bosiddende i New York.
3-retters nænsomt kreeret sommer-menuinkl. vin, øl, sodavand ad lib. under middagen
Betalingsbar efter middagen
Dørene åbnes kl. 17.30. OBS! Ønsker du/I sidde sammen i en gruppen, hver opmærksom på at bestille billetterne samlet. Vi kan ikke love, at man kan sidde sammen ved et bord pga. planlægningen
The GalaThe Gala is when the Danish American friendship is paid tribute. An evening filled with hygge, a menu created accordingly to the season, speakers and entertainment
During the dinner, RYAN SAM - a Danish musician from New York - will entertain
Menu:Welcome drink
3-course dinner created accordingly to the season
Incl. wine, beer, soft drinks ad libitum during dinnerCoffee / tea
Pay-bar after dinner
The doors will open at 5.30 PM
NOTE! Do you wish to be seated at a special table with a certain group, please make sure to order the tickets collectively! We cannot promise that you will be seated at a certain table due to the planning.