OBS dette er billet KUN til koncerten med Animaux Animé, der sker i forlængelse af Versaces Længste Drøm.Læs mere om forestillingen på www.kaosteater.dkAnimaux Animé is a band that combines frenzying rock with theatrical performance art.
The band mixes a wide range of musical styles, from synth pop to industrial rock, into a sound that is distinctively their own. The five-piece brings a high energy live performance, that transcends into a maniacal and yet magical ecstasy, which as an aspect to Animaux Animé, is equally as important as the music. "They are very much aware of the difference between show and concert.And they are going all-in for the show. Atmosphere and aesthetics are thestarting points for a band that never performs without outlandish fashion and make-up. They call it "warpaint""- Passive Aggressive Over the last couple of years, the band has released multiple singles, an EP and their debut album in May 2024. ---Dramatiker og iscenesætter: Thor Gunnar WendtlandMusik og lys: Kevin Buster MortensenMedvirkende: Jeppe Pachaï, Kristian Herlev og Helene Hasseriis HoltenKostume: Benedikte Beate HansenGrafik: Mie JakobsenSærligt tak til: Amanda Friis Jürgensen, Freja Maag Behrend, Kim Svendsen, Mario Sifuentes og Ane Winding.Produceret med støtte fra bl.a. Den Jyske Kunstfond, KODA, Knud Højgaards Fond og Aarhus Kommune.Billet: Enkelte aftener vil der være ekstraordinære koncerter og fest i forbindelse med forestillingen. Prisen for disse arrangementer vil være lidt højere.Der er to typer billet, en til de små punge og en til de større punge. Køber vælger selv hvilken billettyper, der passer til pågældendes budget.
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The band mixes a wide range of musical styles, from synth pop to industrial rock, into a sound that is distinctively their own. The five-piece brings a high energy live performance, that transcends into a maniacal and yet magical ecstasy, which as an aspect to Animaux Animé, is equally as important as the music. "They are very much aware of the difference between show and concert.And they are going all-in for the show. Atmosphere and aesthetics are thestarting points for a band that never performs without outlandish fashion and make-up. They call it "warpaint""- Passive Aggressive Over the last couple of years, the band has released multiple singles, an EP and their debut album in May 2024. ---Dramatiker og iscenesætter: Thor Gunnar WendtlandMusik og lys: Kevin Buster MortensenMedvirkende: Jeppe Pachaï, Kristian Herlev og Helene Hasseriis HoltenKostume: Benedikte Beate HansenGrafik: Mie JakobsenSærligt tak til: Amanda Friis Jürgensen, Freja Maag Behrend, Kim Svendsen, Mario Sifuentes og Ane Winding.Produceret med støtte fra bl.a. Den Jyske Kunstfond, KODA, Knud Højgaards Fond og Aarhus Kommune.Billet: Enkelte aftener vil der være ekstraordinære koncerter og fest i forbindelse med forestillingen. Prisen for disse arrangementer vil være lidt højere.Der er to typer billet, en til de små punge og en til de større punge. Køber vælger selv hvilken billettyper, der passer til pågældendes budget.
Entrance fee: 40-65 DKK