Chambers Touring Ltd & Live Nation Presents. JIMMY CARR: LAUGHS FUNNY. If you like fast-paced, edgy one-liners then get ready to be happy. Jimmy Carr is going back on tour with his brand-new show 'Jimmy Carr: Laughs Funny'.
Jimmy tells jokes, and jokes are like magnets.
Jokes attract people, but they can also repel.
Some people are repelled by Jimmy's dark brand of comedy. This show is not for them.
But if it's the kind of thing you like, then this is the kind of thing you'll like.
Chambers Touring Ltd & Live Nation Presenterer
Hvis du liker korte, skarpe one-liners, gjør deg klar til å juble. Jimmy Carr kommer nå endelig tilbake til Norge med sitt helt nye show, «Jimmy Carr: Laughs Funny».
Jimmy forteller vitser, og vitser er som magneter.
Noen vitser tiltrekker seg folk, mens andre frastøter seg folk.
Blir du frastøtt av Jimmys mørke form for humor er ikke dette showet for deg.
Men hvis du liker denne typen humor, vil du elske dette showet!
ID: 18
DOORS: 18:00
Buy/order ticket
Jimmy tells jokes, and jokes are like magnets.
Jokes attract people, but they can also repel.
Some people are repelled by Jimmy's dark brand of comedy. This show is not for them.
But if it's the kind of thing you like, then this is the kind of thing you'll like.
Chambers Touring Ltd & Live Nation Presenterer
Hvis du liker korte, skarpe one-liners, gjør deg klar til å juble. Jimmy Carr kommer nå endelig tilbake til Norge med sitt helt nye show, «Jimmy Carr: Laughs Funny».
Jimmy forteller vitser, og vitser er som magneter.
Noen vitser tiltrekker seg folk, mens andre frastøter seg folk.
Blir du frastøtt av Jimmys mørke form for humor er ikke dette showet for deg.
Men hvis du liker denne typen humor, vil du elske dette showet!
ID: 18
DOORS: 18:00
Entrance fee: 670-780 DKK