Night Journeys præsenterer: Ssaliva * VinterjazzNight Journeys er tilbage på Huset/Xenon. Denne gang præsenterer vi Ssaliva, kendt for sine fængslende lydunivers, hvor elektronisk musik møder hypnotiske melodier.
Ssaliva er en audiovisuelt kunstner født i Liège, Belgien i 1983. Han begyndte at producere musik i slutningen af 90'erne/starten af 2000'erne og sit visuelle arbejde i omkring 2010.
I 2011 startede han sit eksperimentelle projekt « ssaliva ». Efter at have arbejdet i årevis som Cupp Cave med alternativ hip-hop og dancemusic udviklede han hypnotiske lydbilleder baseret på simple rytmer, frodige toner og krystallerede teksturer. En personlig og romantisk fortolkning af livet midt i natur og byforurening.
Hans arbejde som Ssaliva inkluderer også dokumentation af lige så æteriske og afsides steder i billeder, to kompulsive og ensomme processer, der har fået ham til at akkumulere tusindvis af eskapistiske mentale landskaber.
Nogle gange spøgelsesagtige, nogle gange hellige, en straks genkendelig form for melankoli.
Udover har Ssaliva samarbejdet med artister som Yung Lean, Palmistry, Bladee, Swan Meat, City, Organ Tapes, Noctilucents og SKY H1 Ssaliva har optrådt på steder som Berghain, Macao, De School, ALL Club Shanghai, Ohm og mange flere steder, hvor han har optrådt sammen med grupper som Grouper, Amnesia Scanner, DJ Stingray og mange andre.
Support:vio lino er et dansk/italiensk projekt, der eksperimenterer med lyd. Det kan være fra legetøjsinstrumenter, orgel, vokaleffekter, sampling og feltoptagelser. Gennem elektronisk musikproduktion prøver de at finde et rum hvor disse lydfragmenter kan sameksistere. Et rum uden regler og genredefinitioner.
Koncerterne er en del af Vinterjazz 2025. ENG:
Night Journeys presents: Ssaliva * Vinterjazz
We're back at Huset/Xenon for another night journey.
This time with Ssaliva. Known for his captivating soundscapes where electronic music meets haunting melodies. Close your eyes and fantasize.
The concert is a part of the 2025 Winter Jazz Festival.
Ssaliva is an audiovisual artist born in Liège, Belgium in 1983.
He started producing music by the end of the 90's/early 2000 and producing his visual work around 2010.
In 2011, he started his experimental project « ssaliva ». After working for years as Cupp Cave on alternative hip-hop and dance beats, he developped hypnotic soundscapes based on sparse rythms, lush tones and crystallised textures. A personnal and romantic rendition of a life amidst nature and city pollution. His work as ssaliva also consists of documenting equally ethereal and removed places in pictures, two compulsive and lonely processes that have made him accumulate thousands of strange, escapist mental landscapes.
Sometimes ghostly, sometimes sacred, an instantly recognizable form of melancholia.
Next to collaborating with people like Yung Lean, Palmistry, Bladee, Swan Meat, City, Organ Tapes, Noctilucents & SKY H1, ssaliva has found himself playing at Berghain, Macao, De School, ALL Club Shanghai, Ohm and more performing among Grouper, Amnesia Scanner, DJ Stingray and many others.
vio lino is a danish/italian project, experimenting with sound...
It can be from using toy-instruments, pipe organ, voice alteration, sampling experience and field recordings.
Through electronic music-production, they try to find a space where these sound fragments can co-exist. A field with no rules and genre specification.
Buy/order ticket
Ssaliva er en audiovisuelt kunstner født i Liège, Belgien i 1983. Han begyndte at producere musik i slutningen af 90'erne/starten af 2000'erne og sit visuelle arbejde i omkring 2010.
I 2011 startede han sit eksperimentelle projekt « ssaliva ». Efter at have arbejdet i årevis som Cupp Cave med alternativ hip-hop og dancemusic udviklede han hypnotiske lydbilleder baseret på simple rytmer, frodige toner og krystallerede teksturer. En personlig og romantisk fortolkning af livet midt i natur og byforurening.
Hans arbejde som Ssaliva inkluderer også dokumentation af lige så æteriske og afsides steder i billeder, to kompulsive og ensomme processer, der har fået ham til at akkumulere tusindvis af eskapistiske mentale landskaber.
Nogle gange spøgelsesagtige, nogle gange hellige, en straks genkendelig form for melankoli.
Udover har Ssaliva samarbejdet med artister som Yung Lean, Palmistry, Bladee, Swan Meat, City, Organ Tapes, Noctilucents og SKY H1 Ssaliva har optrådt på steder som Berghain, Macao, De School, ALL Club Shanghai, Ohm og mange flere steder, hvor han har optrådt sammen med grupper som Grouper, Amnesia Scanner, DJ Stingray og mange andre.
Support:vio lino er et dansk/italiensk projekt, der eksperimenterer med lyd. Det kan være fra legetøjsinstrumenter, orgel, vokaleffekter, sampling og feltoptagelser. Gennem elektronisk musikproduktion prøver de at finde et rum hvor disse lydfragmenter kan sameksistere. Et rum uden regler og genredefinitioner.
Koncerterne er en del af Vinterjazz 2025. ENG:
Night Journeys presents: Ssaliva * Vinterjazz
We're back at Huset/Xenon for another night journey.
This time with Ssaliva. Known for his captivating soundscapes where electronic music meets haunting melodies. Close your eyes and fantasize.
The concert is a part of the 2025 Winter Jazz Festival.
Ssaliva is an audiovisual artist born in Liège, Belgium in 1983.
He started producing music by the end of the 90's/early 2000 and producing his visual work around 2010.
In 2011, he started his experimental project « ssaliva ». After working for years as Cupp Cave on alternative hip-hop and dance beats, he developped hypnotic soundscapes based on sparse rythms, lush tones and crystallised textures. A personnal and romantic rendition of a life amidst nature and city pollution. His work as ssaliva also consists of documenting equally ethereal and removed places in pictures, two compulsive and lonely processes that have made him accumulate thousands of strange, escapist mental landscapes.
Sometimes ghostly, sometimes sacred, an instantly recognizable form of melancholia.
Next to collaborating with people like Yung Lean, Palmistry, Bladee, Swan Meat, City, Organ Tapes, Noctilucents & SKY H1, ssaliva has found himself playing at Berghain, Macao, De School, ALL Club Shanghai, Ohm and more performing among Grouper, Amnesia Scanner, DJ Stingray and many others.
vio lino is a danish/italian project, experimenting with sound...
It can be from using toy-instruments, pipe organ, voice alteration, sampling experience and field recordings.
Through electronic music-production, they try to find a space where these sound fragments can co-exist. A field with no rules and genre specification.
Entrance fee: 50 DKK