SEAL-SAFARI in magnificent nature with White-tails eagles and lots of experiences
Sealsafari starting from strand at the end of Sønderho Strandvej. Professionel guidning and great wild nature adventures 200/25DKK or 30/4EUR. Booking by sms on +4520108717. Clothes matching time of the year and the weather on the day inkludes rubberbooths from october to april
total walking distance 2,2 km, and is for everybody
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Sealsafari starting from strand at the end of Sønderho Strandvej. Professionel guidning and great wild nature adventures 200/25DKK or 30/4EUR. Booking by sms on +4520108717. Clothes matching time of the year and the weather on the day inkludes rubberbooths from october to april
total walking distance 2,2 km, and is for everybody
Entrance fee: 25 DKK