Arkiv: Overstået event
Casa Latinoamericana

Høffdingsvej 10, Valby

Friday 14 February 2025, 7 pm.

World music

Peña Manija Feat. Gabriel Amadeo Videla from Argentina

Peña Manija invites you to the first Peña of the year! In this opportunity, we will have the visit of the singer and composer Gabriel Amadeo Videla from Argentina.

Gabriel Amadeo Videla from Argentina invites us on a musical journey through different cultural regions of Argentina and South America.

Gabriel's repertoire includes traditional Argentine authors and performers, such as Atahualpa Yupanqui, Mercedes Sosa, Cuchi Leguizamón, and new music by contemporary authors such as Peteco Carabajal, Raúl Carnota, and Gabriel Amadeo Videla himself.

Besides you can participate in the open class of Argentine folk dances and dance to the live music of the Peña Manija!

Friday 14th, February - 19 hs.
Casa Latinoamericana, Høffdingsvej 10 - Valby
100kr via MobilePay: 6665LW

Enjoy a night with live music, workshop, food, bar, and the best company!

Entrance fee: 100 DKK

Read more on the website