Union Kulturhus

Nørre Allé 7, København N

Fredag den 23. august 2024, kl. 19-20.


"Spaghetti" - A Butoh Dance Piece

En enestående butoh-dansoplevelse af Tiziana Longo. "SPAGHETTI" af Tiziana Longo er en enestående danseoplevelse. Et dybt møde med en forskudt krop-rum-tid-organisme, der viser butoh-kunsten på en fængslende, innovativ og tankevækkende måde.

Butoh er inkarnationens kunst.
Butoh også kaldet mørkets dans er en japansk danseform, skabt af Tatsumi Hijikata (1928-1986) og Kazuo Ohno (1906 - 2010). Den første butohforestilling blev vist i 1959. Butoh er en kropslig dans, der udforsker de mørkeste sider af den menneskelige natur. Dansen er en protest imod såvel de vestlige som de japanske dansetraditioner.
I Tiziana Longos Butoh performance og workshop filtreres formen og udtryk ind i vores tid og de forskellige geografiske kontekster hun bevæger sig i.
Den daglige virkelighed omdannet til en surrealistisk dimension, hvor de menneskelige følelser smelter ind i hinanden. Transformationen bliver til forandring, innovation og absurditet i sin fulde kreative kraft.Fremtidens saftige sauce, der skal smages.Buon Appetito!Værket Spaghetti er et ritual, der hylder livets genvordigheder og omdanner dem til spaghetti. Det handler om søgen efter frigørelse fra samfundets strukturer, dyrkelse af selvkærlighed og empowerment.Stykket anbefales til alle, der er interesserede i kropsliggørelse, butoh og gerne vil opleve en uforglemmelig transformativ forestilling, hvor dans og bevægelse overskrider deres funktion for at vende tilbage til deres oprindelse.Om Tiziana LongoKoreograf, danser og underviser, medstifter af Motimaru Dance Company med base i Berlin siden 2010.Tiziana Longo studerede butoh med Yoshito Ohno, søn af Butoh skaberen Kazuo Ohno, og arbejdede med ham som danser, sceneassistent og simultantolk på hans workshops i Yokohama og på turnéer i udlandet.
A one-of-a-kind butoh dance experience by Tiziana Longo.
"SPAGHETTI" by Tiziana Longo is a one-of-a-kind dance experience. A deep encounter with a shifted Body-Space-Time organism showcasing the art of Butoh in a captivating, innovative and thought-provoking manner.
Daily reality converted into a surreal dimension becomes a dream where the human emotions melt into each other. The transformation progresses from there and becomes change, innovation, absurdity in its full creative power.The future succulent sauce to be tasted.
Buon Appetito!
About ButohButoh, also known as the dance of darkness, is a Japanese dance form created by Tatsumi Hijikata (1928-1986) and Kazuo Ohno (born 1906). The first Butoh performance was shown in 1959.Butoh is a physical dance that explores the darkest sides of human nature. The dance is a protest against both Western and Japanese dance traditions.In Tiziana Longo's Butoh performance and workshop, the form and expression is filtered into our time and the different geographical contexts she moves in.
The piece Spaghetti is a ritual which honours the hardships of life and convert them into Spaghetti.It talks the search for liberation from societal' s structures, the cultivation of self-love and empowerment.
This piece is recommended for whoever is interested in embodiment, butoh and would like to experience an unforgettable transformative performance where dance and movement transcend their function to go back to their origin.
About Tiziana Longo
Choreographer, dancer, and teacher, co-founder of the Motimaru Dance Company based in Berlin since 2010studied butoh with Yoshito Ohno, son of Kazuo Ohno, and worked with him as a dancer, stage assistant, and simultaneous interpreter of his workshops in Yokohama and on tours abroad.
Her work ranges from Japanese butoh dance to movement dramaturgy and composition, in dialogue and contextualization between East and West with specific somatic attention.
On the multidisciplinary intersection of these performance disciplines, in 2021 she won the DisTanzSoloprize with, in progress, a book in completion, supported by DIsTanz Solo, DachVerband Tanz Deutschland.
"SPAGHETTI "Concept, Dramaturgy, Dance by Tiziana Longo
Photocredit: Yozy Zhang.

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