Arkiv: Overstået event
Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum -og exlibrissamling

Parallelvej 14, Frederikshavn

Lørdag den 25. maj 2024, kl. 14.


Madoka Onoda

Madoka Onoda // Singer-songwriter. Madoka er musiker, sanager og komponist fra Japan. Hun er føst og opvokset i den provins der hedder Wakayama.

Den har en særlig relation til Nordjylland, gennem den frederikshavnske sømand, som i 1947 i et redningsforsøg døde, da han forsøgte at redde to fiskere fra deres brændende båd. Madoka blev af det regionale spillested Maskinhallen inviteret til Frederikshavn i 2017 for at skrive musik sammen med to lokale sangskrivere/producere - Christine Smed Aggerholm og Jesper Sidelmann. Det kom der sangen "When Oceans Collide" ud af. Nu kommer Madoka tilbage for, sammen med sin far, at give en række koncerter i Hjørring, Frederikshavn og Tolne. Om sig selv skriver Madoka på sin egen artistprofil: She weaves words that seem to have always been somewhere in her heart into her music that evokes the scenery of Wakayama Prefecture surrounded by nature, and her singing voice, which is clear yet powerful, touches people's hearts and relaxes the hearts of those who listen. She learned piano from an early age, and in high school she studied performing arts such as Japanese dance, tap dance, theater, and vocal music. While in high school, she performed as an OA for live performances by professional artists. At the same time, she studied local culture in class and published a paper. After graduating from high school, in May 2017, she composed music with local writers in Denmark based on the story of Johannes Knudsen, and released "When Oceans Collide." In the same year, on her 20th birthday, she made her CD debut with her first album, "Madoka no Uta," which she produced independently. Currently, in addition to music, she is also active in local activities and as a photo director. Her second album, "1-Ai", was released on August 1, 2019. Her third album, "Tsuzuki no Uta", was released on May 1, 2022. On January 5, 2023, she wrote, composed, and sang the theme song, "Let's Onigiri", for the picture book Let's Onigiri, produced by the popular Kyoto shop Ao Onigiri. Her father, Kenji, will play the guitar at this live concert.

Entré: 75 kr + evt. gebyr