
Himmelbjergvej 11, Ry

Mandag den 28. juli til søndag den 31. august 2025, kl. 10.

Arrangør: Permakultur Danmark


Summer Food Forest course with Tomas Remiarz

Vær med når Tomas Remiraz fra UK kommer til Danmark og underviser i Food Forestry. Tomas Remiarz has been involved in creating and maintaining forest gardens across the UK and Europe for nearly 30 years.

He is currently involved in Earthworm Housing Coop, a sustainable rural housing project project on a 7-acre site in Herefordshire. He is a senior diploma tutor and author of the first in-depth book about forest gardening with best practices and living examples across Europe and the Nordic region. Tomas Remiarz has been involved in creating and maintaining forest gardens across the UK and Europe for nearly 30 years. He is currently involved in Earthworm Housing Coop, a sustainable rural housing project project on a 7-acre site in Herefordshire. He is a senior diploma tutor and author of the first in-depth book about forest gardening with best practices and living examples across Europe and the Nordic region.

Entré: VirksomhedsFoodForestCourse 4.500,0, PrivatPersonFoodForestCourse 3.500,0, Studerende, pensionist, ydelse 2.600,0