Arkiv: Overstået event

Dirch Passers Allé 4, Frederiksberg

Fredag den 29. november 2024, kl. 20:00.


MINU 2024 | Angel Death Traps

MINU_festival for expanded music | Angel Death Traps | 29.11 20.00 | Ku.Be.

Angel Death Traps is a song cycle by Alexander Schubert situated around the trans-human condition, in which a fusion between the body and technology is progressing further and further. These songs are progressions of the intertwining of the digital and the human. The expression of the performers becomes increasingly artificial and technically stylized while addressing strongly personal, emotional, and sexual desires. It's a transition process, a melting of flesh and motherboard. The artificial and nature are constantly contrasted and interwoven with each other.

Composition and concept: Alexander Schubert (2021-2023)
Arrangements: Alexander Schubert and NEKO3
Performers: NEKO3 [Fei Nei, Kalle Hakosalo, Lorenzo Colombo]
Costumes design: Felina Levits
Lighting design and concept: Diego Muhr
Lighting co-design: Lasse Schönfelder

Festival pass: 150 kr
Festival pass+1: 200 kr [invite whoever you want: it can be different people for different events]

Photo by Anna Kemppainen.

Angel Death Traps was commissioned and produced by NEKO3 thanks to the generous support of: Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung, Art Music Denmark, Statens Kunstfond/Den unge kunstneriske elite, KODA Kultur. MINU 2024 is realised with support from Nordisk Kulturfond, Statens Kunstfond, Ernst Von Siemens Musikstiftung, Det Obelske Familiefond, A. P. Møller Fonden, William Demant, Augustinus, Frederiksberg Fonden, KODA Kultur, Louis-Hansens Fond, Art Music Denmark, Frederiksberg Kommune, Københavns Kommune, Madetoja Foundation, DMF & Solistforeningen af 1921.

Entré: 150 kr

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