Arkiv: Overstået event

Møllegade 7, København N

Tirsdag den 18. februar 2025, kl. 19.


Caravaggio's Egg

A Stuart Lynch Play. Caravaggio's Egg weaves together diverse theatrical and performative traditions, offering an exploration into the dissonance between our expectations and the realities we encounter.

In our dreams we can have our eggs cooked exactly how we want them, but we can't eat them - Anna Freud. This quote from Sigmund Freud's daughter highlights the delicate balance between imagination and reality, emphasizing how our life paths are shaped by the intentions of those we encounter. We observe actors transforming their personas?discovering or losing themselves?and becoming fragmented, hurt or defiant when confronted with narcissism, arrogance, or abuse. Cast: Troels Schafer, Lene Kreilgaard, Erik Massa. Written and Directed by: Stuart Lynch. Photography and Design: Benny Thaibert. Production: LiteraturHaus / LynchCompany / Bitamin. Troels Schäfer is recently graduated actor working in theatre and film. He produced and performed in the show, 'Solo Schäfer and the Splintergroup' for the Vildskud festival in the summer 2024, is developing the film project, 'Egg Piece' and works with the improvisational group run by Martin Christiansen. Lene Kreilgaard is a performing artist, who creates her own works in the compagny AtomAct. She also works in the field of dance, physical theatre and acting with and for others. She is interested in creating performing art through an investigation of the unknown, unexplored areas of human existence, the components of the universe and their correlation. Erik Massa is a Danish actor, teacher and philosopher. MA educated he is based in Denmark about to leave to live in India but intends to return to Denmark due to his addiction to Romkugler. Benny Thaibert Thaibert is a designer and photographer. He runs the Bitamin Gallery in Østerbro. Stuart Lynch is a Writer, Director and Butoh dancer. He is currently Artist in Residence at Literaturhaus and chief interviewer at the Copenhagen Post newspaper. He is written Five plays including The Artaud Engine, Look Homeward Angel, Ludd & Wig and Oscillation.

Entré: 150 kr + evt. gebyr