Roskilde Bibliotek

Dronning Margrethes Vej 14, Roskilde

Torsdag den 3. april 2025, kl. 19-22.


Pub Quiz at the library!

A pub quiz in English at your public library - all are welcome, Danes and Internationals alike.

An international quiz in English. We will do it the traditional way, so bring family, friends, fellow students or colleagues and set your own team of max 6 people (with a brilliant name, of course).

If you come alone we will help you find a team. You can bring your own beverage including wine or beer, the crisps/chips are on the house.

Thursday 3rd of April 19-22 in the Hall at Roskilde Library

Bibliotekerne er for alle og er indrettet, så du også kan komme rundt med kørestol, rollator eller barnevogn. Læs mere om vores adgangsforhold på Roskilde Bibliotek

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