Trine Trash og Betontraume er sælsom blanding af alle genrer men med punkens vrede hjerte som den flænsende puls gennem det hele. Det er poesi, det er rock, det er jazz og så alligevel helt dets egen, som man siger.
Du har måske oplevet dem på Kun for forrykte Festival, Cafe Bobuska, Burning Sengeløse eller noget helt 5.
Multimusikeren Trine Trash (Fastpoholmen, Hola Ghost, Uffe Lorenzen/Lydsyn, etc. )har Jivin Cameron/bass (Fastpoholmen, Iris Gold, Karen Mukupa), Kristoffer Sidenius/drums (Fastpoholmen, High Society) Asger Baagø/guitar (alle bands i hele verden) og Rick Hauchmann/mandolin (Low life Brotherhood) med sig denne aften og det bliver intenst og grimt og smukt og saftigt.
Et par meget specielle gæster swinger også forbi og river verdenstapetet i tusind stykker.
Betontraume kunne sidst høres på Blågårds Apotek i januar til en udsolgt koncert med en kø af die hard fans udenfor, klæbende til de duggede ruder.
Betontraume! Fordi INGEN! skal græde alene!
Hollow Ship
Gothenburg'sHollow Shipset out with grand ambitions. Musically, they've mined their sixties influences (think early Pink Floyd) without miming them; instead, they look in their direction to set a road map for the future. Now being one of the leading acts on the Swedish psychedelic rock scene, Hollow Ship has set sail along with genuinely futuristic musical ideas, to be transmitted through time and space to the listener on the other side - a symbol of something genuinely hard to grasp, without obvious definitions.
Influenced by such diverse acts as Los Jaivos, Vangelis and Motörhead. The rhythm section consists of drummer Martin Magnefors and bass player Donovan von Martens. Fronted by songwriter Thomas Frank and his distinct approach to melody and improvising. The quartet is completed by Vincent Vensal adding an extra layer of rich rhythmic guitar and freak-outs.
Du har måske oplevet dem på Kun for forrykte Festival, Cafe Bobuska, Burning Sengeløse eller noget helt 5.
Multimusikeren Trine Trash (Fastpoholmen, Hola Ghost, Uffe Lorenzen/Lydsyn, etc. )har Jivin Cameron/bass (Fastpoholmen, Iris Gold, Karen Mukupa), Kristoffer Sidenius/drums (Fastpoholmen, High Society) Asger Baagø/guitar (alle bands i hele verden) og Rick Hauchmann/mandolin (Low life Brotherhood) med sig denne aften og det bliver intenst og grimt og smukt og saftigt.
Et par meget specielle gæster swinger også forbi og river verdenstapetet i tusind stykker.
Betontraume kunne sidst høres på Blågårds Apotek i januar til en udsolgt koncert med en kø af die hard fans udenfor, klæbende til de duggede ruder.
Betontraume! Fordi INGEN! skal græde alene!
Hollow Ship
Gothenburg'sHollow Shipset out with grand ambitions. Musically, they've mined their sixties influences (think early Pink Floyd) without miming them; instead, they look in their direction to set a road map for the future. Now being one of the leading acts on the Swedish psychedelic rock scene, Hollow Ship has set sail along with genuinely futuristic musical ideas, to be transmitted through time and space to the listener on the other side - a symbol of something genuinely hard to grasp, without obvious definitions.
Influenced by such diverse acts as Los Jaivos, Vangelis and Motörhead. The rhythm section consists of drummer Martin Magnefors and bass player Donovan von Martens. Fronted by songwriter Thomas Frank and his distinct approach to melody and improvising. The quartet is completed by Vincent Vensal adding an extra layer of rich rhythmic guitar and freak-outs.
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