Kære Placemaker,Vi er superglade for at kunne meddele, at et nyt Placemaking Denmark-møde finder sted den 28. februar kl. 4-6 i væksthuset i Urban 13, Bispeengen 20, 2000 Frederiksberg.
Vær klar til at opleve et fantastisk sted, der er i konstant forvandling og fokuserer på at give plads til "de små med de store ideer". Vi glæder os til at vise dig rundt!
Så sæt kryds i kalenderen og kom og vær med til en afslappet og inspirerende aften i godt selskab med andre placemakere. Antallet af pladser i væksthuset er begrænset, så sørg for at tilmelde dig i god tid her på siden, hvis du har tænkt dig at deltage!
Vi glæder os til at se dig i februar!Med venlig hilsenPlacemaking Danmark
Dear Placemaker
We are very excited to announce that Placemaking Denmark comes back with a new meeting that will take place on February 28th 4-6 p.m. at the greenhouse in Urban 13, Bispeengen 20, 2000 Frederiksberg.
Be ready to experience a fascinating place which is in constant transformation and provides a living room for the "small ones with the big ideas". We're looking forward to showing you around!
Mark your calendars and come and join us for a relaxed and inspiring evening in good company with other placemakers. Seats are limited in the greenhouse, so registration is required on this page if you intend to participate.
We look forward to seeing you in February!Kind regards
Placemaking Danmark.
Vær klar til at opleve et fantastisk sted, der er i konstant forvandling og fokuserer på at give plads til "de små med de store ideer". Vi glæder os til at vise dig rundt!
Så sæt kryds i kalenderen og kom og vær med til en afslappet og inspirerende aften i godt selskab med andre placemakere. Antallet af pladser i væksthuset er begrænset, så sørg for at tilmelde dig i god tid her på siden, hvis du har tænkt dig at deltage!
Vi glæder os til at se dig i februar!Med venlig hilsenPlacemaking Danmark
Dear Placemaker
We are very excited to announce that Placemaking Denmark comes back with a new meeting that will take place on February 28th 4-6 p.m. at the greenhouse in Urban 13, Bispeengen 20, 2000 Frederiksberg.
Be ready to experience a fascinating place which is in constant transformation and provides a living room for the "small ones with the big ideas". We're looking forward to showing you around!
Mark your calendars and come and join us for a relaxed and inspiring evening in good company with other placemakers. Seats are limited in the greenhouse, so registration is required on this page if you intend to participate.
We look forward to seeing you in February!Kind regards
Placemaking Danmark.