Den 3. april kan du møde en fusion mellem eksperimenterende synth beats, drum n' bass, klassiske pop hooks et orkestralt, nærmest filmisk, udtryk.
Vi glæder os til at byde velkommen til Prins Moria Veneda Terry.
Læs mere, find din billet herunder! (English below).
x Forsalg: 85 kr. (+gebyr)
x Dørsalg: 110 kr. (+gebyr)
x Dato: 03.04.2025
x Døre: 20.00
x Koncerter begynder: 20.30
x Sted: GARAGEN, URBAN 13 (indendørs)
Prins Moria (English below)
Prins Moria er lyden af naturens storhed rummer både et elektronisk orkestralt udtryk. Det er samtidig lyden af en inderlig klang, små rum akustiske guitarer, der spilles hjemme i stuen. Det er lyden af vores rødder, vores søgen. Af vores verden, der konstant opbygges nedbrydes. De danske tekster er bl.a. inspireret af BishBusch, Peter Sommer Guldimund, afspejler prinsens naive blik på verden, der konstant byder på både medgang modgang.
Mødet mellem det organiske det syntetiske er et prominent tema i musikken. Med inspiration fra den japanske filminstruktør Hayao Miyazaki undersøger projektet menneskets konflikter sammensmeltning med naturen, afspejler det kaos den harmoni som dette møde rummer. Her har Björk, Floating Points, genrer som punk, hyperpop drum N bass informeret projektet.
Prins Moria is the sound of the grandeur of nature and contains both an electronic and orchestral expression. It is also the sound of a heartfelt sound, small rooms and acoustic guitars, played at home in the living room. It is the sound of our roots, and our search. Of our world, which is constantly being built up and broken down. The Danish lyrics are inspired by BishBusch, Peter Sommer and Guldimund, among others, and reflect Prins Moria's naive view of the world, which constantly offers both prosperity and adversity.
The meeting between the organic and the synthetic is a prominent theme in the music. With inspiration from the Japanese film director Hayao Miyazaki, the project examines human conflicts and fusion with nature and reflects the chaos and harmony that this meeting contains. Here, Björk, Floating Points, and genres such as punk, hyperpop and drum n' bass have informed the project.
Veneda Terry (English below)
Mød det danske multitalent Veneda Terry, der med tunge UK/US inspirerede beats ærlige tekster inviterer lytterne ind i sit avantgarde univers, hvor storladen pop engelsksproget hiphop smelter sammen bliver til ren kærlighed.
Veneda Terrys første singler 'Stay' 'Rhinestone Flip Phone' blev to kraftfulde introduktioner til hendes musikalske vision, der bl.a. modtog flot omtale airplay på P3.
Musikken er en betagende fusion mellem eksperimenterende synth beats, catchy R&B klassiske pop hooks, der giver associationer til navne som Raye The Weeknd. Med en stemme der går lige i hjertet en lyd der emmer af international kaliber, er Veneda Terry er uden tvivl en artist, du skal holde øje med.
Meet the Danish multi-talent Veneda Terry, who, with heavy UK/US inspired beats and honest lyrics, invites listeners into her avant-garde universe, where grand pop and English hip hop merge and become pure love.
Veneda Terry's first singles 'Stay' and 'Rhinestone Flip Phone' were two powerful introductions to her musical vision, which received great reviews and airplay on Danish radio P3, among other things.
The music is a breathtaking fusion of experimental synth beats, catchy R&B and classic pop hooks, which gives associations to names like Raye and The Weeknd. With a voice that goes straight to the heart and a sound that exudes international caliber, Veneda Terry is undoubtedly an artist you should keep an eye on.
Køb/bestil billet
Vi glæder os til at byde velkommen til Prins Moria Veneda Terry.
Læs mere, find din billet herunder! (English below).
x Forsalg: 85 kr. (+gebyr)
x Dørsalg: 110 kr. (+gebyr)
x Dato: 03.04.2025
x Døre: 20.00
x Koncerter begynder: 20.30
x Sted: GARAGEN, URBAN 13 (indendørs)
Prins Moria (English below)
Prins Moria er lyden af naturens storhed rummer både et elektronisk orkestralt udtryk. Det er samtidig lyden af en inderlig klang, små rum akustiske guitarer, der spilles hjemme i stuen. Det er lyden af vores rødder, vores søgen. Af vores verden, der konstant opbygges nedbrydes. De danske tekster er bl.a. inspireret af BishBusch, Peter Sommer Guldimund, afspejler prinsens naive blik på verden, der konstant byder på både medgang modgang.
Mødet mellem det organiske det syntetiske er et prominent tema i musikken. Med inspiration fra den japanske filminstruktør Hayao Miyazaki undersøger projektet menneskets konflikter sammensmeltning med naturen, afspejler det kaos den harmoni som dette møde rummer. Her har Björk, Floating Points, genrer som punk, hyperpop drum N bass informeret projektet.
Prins Moria is the sound of the grandeur of nature and contains both an electronic and orchestral expression. It is also the sound of a heartfelt sound, small rooms and acoustic guitars, played at home in the living room. It is the sound of our roots, and our search. Of our world, which is constantly being built up and broken down. The Danish lyrics are inspired by BishBusch, Peter Sommer and Guldimund, among others, and reflect Prins Moria's naive view of the world, which constantly offers both prosperity and adversity.
The meeting between the organic and the synthetic is a prominent theme in the music. With inspiration from the Japanese film director Hayao Miyazaki, the project examines human conflicts and fusion with nature and reflects the chaos and harmony that this meeting contains. Here, Björk, Floating Points, and genres such as punk, hyperpop and drum n' bass have informed the project.
Veneda Terry (English below)
Mød det danske multitalent Veneda Terry, der med tunge UK/US inspirerede beats ærlige tekster inviterer lytterne ind i sit avantgarde univers, hvor storladen pop engelsksproget hiphop smelter sammen bliver til ren kærlighed.
Veneda Terrys første singler 'Stay' 'Rhinestone Flip Phone' blev to kraftfulde introduktioner til hendes musikalske vision, der bl.a. modtog flot omtale airplay på P3.
Musikken er en betagende fusion mellem eksperimenterende synth beats, catchy R&B klassiske pop hooks, der giver associationer til navne som Raye The Weeknd. Med en stemme der går lige i hjertet en lyd der emmer af international kaliber, er Veneda Terry er uden tvivl en artist, du skal holde øje med.
Meet the Danish multi-talent Veneda Terry, who, with heavy UK/US inspired beats and honest lyrics, invites listeners into her avant-garde universe, where grand pop and English hip hop merge and become pure love.
Veneda Terry's first singles 'Stay' and 'Rhinestone Flip Phone' were two powerful introductions to her musical vision, which received great reviews and airplay on Danish radio P3, among other things.
The music is a breathtaking fusion of experimental synth beats, catchy R&B and classic pop hooks, which gives associations to names like Raye and The Weeknd. With a voice that goes straight to the heart and a sound that exudes international caliber, Veneda Terry is undoubtedly an artist you should keep an eye on.