Arkiv: Overstået event
Huset KBH Musikcaféen

Rådhusstræde 13, 3. sal, København K

Fredag den 13. september 2024, kl. 20-23.55.


FELT: Civilistjävel + soccer Committee + Thommy Wahlström | Musikcaféen

In. celebration of the release of Civilistjävel!'s new album Brödföda, FELT. presents an evening of live music at Musikcaféen in Copenhagen on Friday 13th. September. Tomas.

Bodén is a revered figure of the aural murk, known primarily for his work as
Civilistjävel. It's an alias that has spawned a catalogue of self-released
peculiarities, featuring music that scorns traditional form, instead opting for
unfussed symphonies of ice-hued minimalism; soft murmurs that emanate from his
studio in the High Coast of Sweden.
soccer Committee
is the solo project of Dutch artist, Mariska Baars. She grew up in the
countryside of The Netherlands listening to the magical sounds of the river
near her childhood home. These peaceful, organic sounds have made their way
into her music. Her style is often described as a natural, unforced blend of
experimental, folk, ambient and electronics, created with electric guitar,
voice and effects.
Wahlström is a Swedish composer and musician educated in Composition/EAM at the
Gotland School of Music Composition and the Royal College of Music in
Stockholm. Wahlströms music is often a combination of acoustic and
electroacoustic music. In recent years, he has been concentrating on combining
traditional notation with an "alternative representation of sound and music",
which refers to the development of graphic scores.

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