Arkiv: Overstået event
Spanien 19c

Kalkværksvej 11, Aarhus C

Fredag den 6. og lørdag den 7. september 2024, kl. 20.30-16.


Psychogeographic exploration of sydhavnen v. agnieszka wolodzko + pernille helberg stentoft

En belowagnieszka woLODZKO [Gdansk, PL]Kunstner, kurator og kulturforsker.

Studerede på Academy of Fine arts, Gdansk: Faculty of Interior Architecture and Industry Design; Faculty of Painting og Graphics (MA) and A. Mickiewicz University in Poznan: Faculty of Social Sciences (PhD). Producerer kunst i offentlige rum, engageret kunst, fotografi, installation, keramik, lydværker og aktioner, herunder også workshops for forskellige sociale grupper. Forfatter af tekster om samtidskunst og kultur. Siden 2018 har hun arbejdet på bloggen "Between Art and Life". for Cultures beyond Culture-Foundation.
PERNILLE HELBERG STENTOFT [Aarhus, DK]Studerede Æstetik og Kultur på Aarhus Universitet og Unversidad de Granada. Organiserer kunstneriske projekter i form af gåture med forskellige sociale grupper. Hendes interessefelter er gåture, vandringer, dykken ned i steder, lag af sted, sensationen af sted, registrering af sted, historie for sted, hukommelsen om sted, ord om sted, at dele sted, at give stemme til sted, adgang til sted, opmærksomhed på sted mv.
Pernille og Agnieszka inviterer på en delt psykogeografisk vandring omkring Sydhavnen. Formålet er at give deltagerne mulighed for at udforske dette postindustrielle rum. Pernille vil dele information omkring den lokale arkitektur og dens historie, og samtidig fortælle anekdoter om folk som var associeret med stedet. Agnieszka giver mulighed for at deltagerne, gennem forskellige sensoriske oplevelser, har mulighed for at opdage forholdet mellem krop og sted. Håbet er at rejsen vil være en mulighed for at finde svar på spørgsmål som: hvad har kroppen lyst til at gøre i byen? I hvilke rum føler kroppen sig komfortabel, og i hvilke er den ukomfortabel? Hvad er grænsen for fysisk udforskning i byrummetSted: Vi mødes foran Spanien19cVarighed: 1,5 timeSymposium er støttet af Statens Kunstfond, Ny Carlsberg Fondet og Aarhus Kommunes Kulturudviklingspulje.Partnere i soft city projectet:Royal Danish Embassy in Poland, Cultures Beyond Culture Foundation (Gdansk), Baltic Sea Cultural Centre (Gdansk), Spanien19C (Aarhus), Aarhus Center for Visual Art, Sigrids Stue (Aarhus), Secret Hotel (Bogens), Foreningen Sydhavnen (Aarhus), University of West Scotland (Glasgow)./ENAGNIESZKA WOLODZKO [Gdansk, PL]Artist, curator, and cultural researcher. Studies: Academy of Fine Arts, Gdansk: Faculty of Interior Architecture and Industry Design; Faculty of Painting and Graphics (MA) and A. Mickiewicz University in Poznan: Faculty of Social Sciences (PhD). Produces art in public space, engaged art, photography, installation, ceramics, sound works and actions, as well as workshops for various social groups. Author of texts on contemporary art and culture. Since 2018 she has been publishing a blog "Between Art and Life" President of the "Cultures beyond Culture" Foundation. HELBERG STENTOFT [Aarhus, DK]Artist. Studied aesthetics and culture at the Aarhus University and the Universidad de Granada. Organizes artistic projects in the form of walks with various social groups. Her field of interest is: walk, wander, dive into places, layers of places, sensation of places, registration of places, history of places, memory of places, words about places, sharing places, give voice to places, access to places, awareness of spaces etc.e-mail address: pernille@vandrende-p.dkPsychogeographic walk around SydhavnenPernille and Agnieszka invites for a joint psychogeographic walk around Sydhavnen. The aim will be to provide the opportunity to discover this post-industrial space. Pernille will share with them information about local architecture and history, and tell anecdotes about people who were associated with this place. Agnieszka will make sure that participants, through various sensory experiences, have the opportunity to discover the relationship of their bodies with this place. We hope that this journey will be an opportunity to find answers to the questions: what does the body want to do in the city? In what places does the body feel comfortable and in what places does he feel uncomfortable? Where are the limits of physical exploration of urban space?Localization: We meet outside Spanien19CDuration: 1,5hSymposium is kindly supported by Statens Kunstfond, Ny Carlsberg Fondet og Aarhus Kommunes Kulturudviklingspulje.Partners in the soft city project:Royal Danish Embassy in Poland, Cultures Beyond Culture Foundation (Gdansk), Baltic Sea Cultural Centre (Gdansk), Spanien19C (Aarhus), Aarhus Center for Visual Art, Sigrids Stue (Aarhus), Secret Hotel (Bogens), Foreningen Sydhavnen (Aarhus), University of West Scotland (Glasgow).