Arkiv: Overstået event
Yogalistic Västerås

Stora gatan 1E, Västerås

Lørdag den 23. november 2024, kl. 15-17.


Art Of Love - föreläsning Janesh Vaidya

Art of love- lecture with Janesh Vaidya. In all times of human history love has been one of the most natural at the same time most complicated terms in the world.

Love connects and disconnects people and countries, love heals wounds and ruins kingdoms. Love makes many minds set to live or die. This has happened in the history and is still happening in this modern world because of the understanding or misunderstanding of this universal feeling.

Love is powerful. Love connects us to the supreme power and is the magic key of success in various fields of life. In our relationship or business, love makes a remarkable impact and growth. Merely carrying the feeling of love brings light and hope in our mind just like the sunrise removes the darkness on earth. Love is the medicine that heals the wounds in our body and mind. And if we learn the art, love becomes a solution for our problems. The art of love is a mind yoga practice which helps us to understand this powerful tool and its application in our day to day life.

We are all born on this planet earth to love and to share the love. Without knowing this truth we are constantly wandering, searching for something that doesn't have any meaning at the end of our life. We can see that many wellknown people in the world have managed to find their success in most fields they engaged in, but struggle to find love in their life. This happens because of the lack of education we have in this subject from our school. What we actually learned about love is the lessons we captured through our experiences from our family and the society, which in most situations are not giving the right direction.

In the heart warming lecture 'Art of love' Janesh Vaidya elaborates the layers of love and how we can train our body and mind to practice this most powerful art in life. Janesh Vaidya also explains the ancient and modern views on love, and how one can use it to achieve the ultimate joy and excitement in life.

Föreläsningen är 2 timmar plus en liten paus. Den är på engelska och lätt att förstå. Titta på videon nedan för exempel.

De första 20 bokade i varje stad har chansen att vinna en 2 veckor långt hälso-retreat på Vaidya's Ayurveda Village i Kerala, Indien. Motivera varför du bör vinna och kryssa för att du accepterar information från arrangören för att delta i tävlingen. Vinnaren med bäst motivering presenteras på plats under föreläsningsdagen och sista dagen att tävla är respektive stades föreläsningsdatum (med reservation för tidigare slutsåld). Observera att vinnaren måste vara på föreläsningen för att få priset. Eventuell svensk vinstskatt som betalas av vinnaren.

Entré: 450 kr