Byens Hus - Vi skaber sammen

Hellerupvej 24, Hellerup

Torsdag den 30. januar til torsdag den 24. april 2025, 11 mødegange kl. 14.15-16.50.

Arrangør: AOF Gentofte


Drawing with David

Drawing is the basis for all visual art. Join a fun, unusual and effective drawing class designed to inspire your creativity as well as developing your eye and hand. You will work at seeing carefully and drawing precisely.

However, more importantly, your unique individuality- and ultimate sophistication- will be encouraged through experiments with a variety of approaches. For everyone- beginners and advanced. The instructor will advise you about materials. David is a professional artist and has a lifetime of experience in drawing- as well as teaching it at the highest level- for many years, internationally... including at The Colorado Institute of Art. The class will be held in English with translations when necessary. Students may speak Danish if preferred

Udgift til undervisningsmaterialer må påregnes. Underviser David Isenberg kan kontaktes på mobil 25341104 eller på mail

Hold: 25165093.