Lake House

Peblinge Dossering 6, København N

Onsdag den 26. februar til onsdag den 4. juni 2025, kl. 08-09.


Body attention training

Awaken Your Senses : Energize Your Day. In this 1-hour class, we shift focus from the mind to the body, practicing the art of body attention through a blend of physical exercises, guided embodiment practices, and movement exploration.

By releasing unnecessary tension, raising your energy, and expanding your presence, you'll create space for more vitality, ease, and clarity in your daily life.
You want to feel more energized in a simple, practical way.You want to transform and release pain, discomfort, and stress.You want to experience lightness, inner peace, and inspiration.You want to deepen your understanding of embodiment and the body-mind connection.You want to empower yourself and others by taking charge of your well-being.You want to quiet your mind and be more present in life.
Rooted in the Grinberg Method, a body-centred approach helping people break limiting patterns and regain personal freedom, this training reconnects you with your body's innate intelligence and ability to heal.In modern life, we tend to rely on the mind's narrative while disconnecting from the body's reality. Yet, our bodies hold a rich and precise abundance of information - sensations, perceptions, emotions, and embodied thoughts - all guiding us toward greater awareness and transformation.
Through body attention, you expand your capacity to be grounded, present, and in touch with reality -unlocking a more embodied way of moving through life.Practical infos:The class starts at 8:00, doors open at 7:45. Be there on a few minutes before the class starts.Bring clothes you feel comfortable and unlimited to move with.
Join us and experience the power of being fully in your body.Juliette,
Somatic & Bodywork Practitioner (specialized in the Grinberg Method), Freeform Movement Facilitator, Artist.

Entré: 100 kr

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