Spring til indhold
Arkiv: Overstået event

Queer Community Singing Group

Musik: Andet/Ukendt

Experience singing together without being limited by gender or voice type. We welcome all singing, all genders, all identities, without judgment.

We embrace the joy of singing in harmony together, and build community by showing each other respect and kindness.
We are a queer, non-traditional singing group who sings pop songs. We do not divide into the classic voice-groups to be inclusive of non-binary and trans friends. No former choir experience is needed, no audition, just reserve a spot and show up <3
In the fall of 2024 QCSG will become its own association. This means that if you want to be a part of the group in the future, there will be a small payment to continue. It will always be possible to get 3 free trial sessions, but more info will follow. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Instagram
ABOUT ACCESSIBILITY Kulturstationen Vanløse is a fully accessible space, with step free access to all floors. Disabled and gender neutral toilets are available. As it is a Culture House, we don't know how busy it is from Saturday to Saturday, and it's not safe to say anything about noise levels in the rest of the building.
All sessions will be in English and lyrics of the songs will be visible on a projector. Please don't hesitate to contact us with questions or suggestions to make it easier for you to join us. You can contact us here: qcsg.cph@gmail.com
SAFER SPACE POLICY We don't assume gender, sexuality, religion, background, pronouns, health status or anything else for that matter. We start each session with introducing our names and pronouns.
We want to emphasise that the group is intended to be a supportive, non-threatening environment where all participants can feel comfortable to express themselves and share experiences without fear of discrimination or reprisal.
WHO IS BEHIND QCSGBehind the singing group is the artist Josh Herring (he/him) who leads the sessions and Pern Rejmers (they/he) who is behind the more practical stuff.
Josh (he/him) is from the UK, and moved to Copenhagen to study at RMC. As a queer person with experience in choirs and community music, he wanted to create a musical space that welcomes all queer people.
Pern Petri (they/he) has a background in project managing, and offered helping with applying for funding, when the project needed it to continue. Originally they joined to meet other queer people, but as a non binary trans masc person, they fell in love with the concept, and just really wanted it to continue :)
The QCSG is an original Warehouse 9 pilot-project, and has since received funding from Københavns Kommune in collaboration with de sceneste.