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Faaborg Museum
Faaborg Museums samling af malerier og skulpturer viser de fynske kunstnere, der sammen med stifteren konservesfabrikant Mads Rasmussen skabte museet 1910 i Faaborg. Det var Peter Hansen, Fritz Syberg, Johannes Larsen og Poul S. Christiansen, Jens Birkholm, Harald Giersing, Anna Syberg, Christine Swane og billedhuggeren Kai Nielsen. 1915 blev museumsbygningen indviet, tegnet af arkitekten Carl Petersen i nordisk nyklassicistisk stil.
The collection of paintings and sculptures in Faaborg Museum consists mainly of works by the circle of Funenite artists, who, together with founder, Councillor of State and Preserves Manufacturer Mads Rasmussen, established the Museum in 1910 in "Konservesgaarden" in Faaborg. The painters Peter Hansen, Fritz Syberg, Johannes Larsen, Poul S. Christiansen, Jens Birkholm, Harald Giersing, Anna Syberg, Christine Swane and the sculptor Kai Nielsen. The Museum building was designed 1915 by the Architect Carl Petersen in the style of Nordic Neoclassicism.
Offentlig transport:Tog til Odense eller Nyborg. Bus fra Odense eller Nyborg.

Faaborg Museum
Grønnegade 75
5600 Faaborg
Tel.: 61 62 06 45
More information: Homepage
Opening hours:
Tir-søn 11-16