Galleri Nicolai Wallner

Galleri Nicolai Wallner åbnede i 1993 med en gruppe af kunstnere, som stadig udgør størstedelen af galleriets program i dag. Galleriet arbejder med både danske og internationale kunstnere. Galleri Nicolai Wallner opened in the fall of 1993 with a selection of artists that includes the majority of our program today. As such, the inauguration of the gallery not only captured the spirit of that particular time but also sets the pace and agenda for what we do today.
The gallery works with a diverse group of both Danish and International artists all working in different media. Accordingly, the artists are defined as a group not as much by a shared aesthetic but more by a common wish to express a content, tell a story and set a mark in an otherwise fluctuating world.
Galleri Nicolai Wallner is the one behind the initiative to gather four individual galleries in a 2000 m2 large garage, which has been a new centre of contemporary art in Copenhagen since the Summer of 2009.

Udvalgte kunstnere: David Shrigley, Jeppe Hein, Jonathan Monk, Chris Johanson, Joachim Koester, Jens Haaning, Christian Schmidt-Rasmussen, Peter Land, Glenn Sorensen, Alexander Tovborg, Michael Elmgreen & Ingar Dragset, Dan Graham, Richard Tuttle, Jesper Just, Christoph Ruckhäberle, Douglas Gordon, Jakob Kolding, Clare Rojas, Daniel Buren, Gitte Villesen.

Galleri Nicolai Wallner

Glentevej 49

1760 København V

Tlf: 32 57 09 70

Yderligere information: Hjemmeside

Ti.-fr. kl. 12-17, lø. kl. 12-15