Arkiv: Overstået event
Monument 031

Stålverksgatan 6, Tingstadsvassen

Lördag 18 januari 2025, kl. 20-02.


Rock Ko Fol

Rock Ko Fol je bend koji donosi jedinstvenu kombinaciju rock zvuka i folk uticaja, stvarajuci energicnu i emotivnu atmosferu na svakom nastupu.

Sa specificnim zvucnim potpisom koji spaja tradicionalne melodije i moderne rock aranzmane, ovaj bend odusevljava publiku, pruzajuci nezaboravno muzicko iskustvo. Svaka pesma bavi se temama koje diraju srce i dusu, od ljubavi i zivota, do licnih borbi i drustvenih pitanja. Ako volite muziku koja spaja proslost i sadasnjost, koja ima dusu i energiju, Rock Ko Fol je bend koji cete sigurno zavoljeti!

Rock Ko Fol is a band that brings a unique combination of rock sound and folk influences, creating an energetic and emotional atmosphere at every performance. With a distinctive sound signature that blends traditional melodies and modern rock arrangements, this band captivates the audience, providing an unforgettable musical experience. Each song deals with themes that touch the heart and soul, from love and life to personal struggles and social issues. If you enjoy music that connects the past and the present, with soul and energy, Rock Ko Fol is a band you'll surely love!

Artist: Rock Ko Fol
Datum: 18e januari
Ålder: 18+
Förköp: 359kr + service (biljetter i dörren kostar alltid 50kr mer av totalpriset)

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Entré: 339 kr