Den dynamiske pianist Morten Schantz har altid haft melodien som drivmiddel. I hans piano-trio sammen med Morten Ankarfeldt på bas og Janus Templeton på trommer er der læner sig opad den nordiske folkemusiktradition iblandet melodisk jazz.
Trioen er kendt for livlige melodier og smuk improvisation ud af den skandinaviske jazztradition, der blander det let kølige, lyriske og impressionistiske. Jazznyt skrev: ?Trioen er et fyrværkeri. Det er udadvendt jazz, der kravler ind i kroppen på lytteren.? ENGLISH: The dynamic Danish pianist Morten Schantz has always had the melody as his driving force. In his piano trio together with Morten Ankarfeldt on bass and Janus Templeton on drums, the Nordic folk music tradition is mixed with melodic jazz. The trio is known for lively melodies and beautiful improvisation from the Scandinavian jazz tradition, which mixes the slightly cool, lyrical and impressionistic. Jazznyt wrote: "The trio is a true firework. It is extroverted jazz that crawls into the body of the listener.?. Line-up: Morten Schantz - piano Morten Ankarfeldt - kontrabas Janus Templeton - trommer.
Trioen er kendt for livlige melodier og smuk improvisation ud af den skandinaviske jazztradition, der blander det let kølige, lyriske og impressionistiske. Jazznyt skrev: ?Trioen er et fyrværkeri. Det er udadvendt jazz, der kravler ind i kroppen på lytteren.? ENGLISH: The dynamic Danish pianist Morten Schantz has always had the melody as his driving force. In his piano trio together with Morten Ankarfeldt on bass and Janus Templeton on drums, the Nordic folk music tradition is mixed with melodic jazz. The trio is known for lively melodies and beautiful improvisation from the Scandinavian jazz tradition, which mixes the slightly cool, lyrical and impressionistic. Jazznyt wrote: "The trio is a true firework. It is extroverted jazz that crawls into the body of the listener.?. Line-up: Morten Schantz - piano Morten Ankarfeldt - kontrabas Janus Templeton - trommer.
Entrance fee: 330 DKK + evt. gebyr