Arkiv: Overstået event
Charlie Scott's

Skindergade 43 st, København K

Torsdag den 4. juli 2024, kl. 21-23.


Sam Ghezzi

Known for his showmanship and musical integrity Sam has toured the world many times with his incredible energetic blues, jazz and rock'n roll act.

For this tour he has put together a group of some of europe's finest musicians and together they play their own high energi interpretations of classic blues and jazz from their heroes such as Muddy Waters, Ray Charles together with original tunes in the style.

Sam Ghezzi- Vocals, sax, harp
Fabian Vang-Lauridsen - Guitar
Ceasar Puente - Bass
Yoad Shashe Crotch - Drums.

Entré: 100 kr