Arkiv: Overstået event
Agersø Camping

Egholmvej 23, Agersø

Onsdag den 3. til søndag den 7. juli 2024, kl. 15.


Oacacao - medicine and music gathering

OAACAO. Medicine & music gathering. (3/7 - 7/7). Dear friend. We are hosting a mini-week of medicine for mind, body and soul. A family friendly island gathering. With time and space to Co-create. Celebrate. And Just BE.

And You are dearly invited to join us for:
Ceremonies. Concerts. Workshops. Sound journeys. Medicine music. A sacred fire. DJs and dancing under the stars. Singing in circle. Ocean swimming.
Yoga. Ice baths. Breathwork. Sauna and more.
We create together. Cook together. Eat together
Our program is both created FOR you, but would also love for some of the program to be created WITH you.

For this reason, we have 4 designated spaces.
Outdoor music stage in our starshaped tent.
Medicine music and ceremonies.

Talks, workshops and sound journeys

Indoor ceremony and workshop space.
Morning or Midnight dance?

For co-created offerings.
Children and adults of all ages.

"Himle Himle" is our venue.
A former camping site turned community project on the small pristine island of Agersø.
The camp is located in wonderful nature surroundings, where the ocean is visible on both sides of the island, and there's a great beach right next to the venue.
Himle Himle has previously hosted burns, community projects, summercamps, weddings and more.
During late June to Late August, Himle Himle is hosting various offerings ranging from summercamps, a pop-up restaurant and some parties
For the first 2 weeks of July, Himle Himle is hosting "The good Army Camp" with a lot of exciting offerings. You can read more here:
The OacacaO membership will in addition to our own program, grant access to all workshops happening during "The Good Army Camp" in the days between 3/7-7/7.

By joining the gathering you become member of the OACACAO Association:
For each member joining us, we will plant a tree. And you have a chance to get involved in our dream of co-creating a medicine music "festival" with international medicine musicians in the coming years, as well as our cacao ceremonies during the year.

OACACAO membership PASS
(Wednesday evening to Sunday noon)*:
Low income: 1200,- **
Normal income: 1600,-
High Income: 2000,-

(Good Army Camp) ONE DAY PASS: 475,-***

Wednesday: dinner + opening ceremony
Thursday: Full Program + Brunch / Dinner
Friday: Full Program + Brunch / Dinner
Saturday: Full Program + Brunch / Dinner
Sunday: Closing ceremony + brunch
Access to all free offerings on the venue and the formal Oacacao ceremony

** Lowincome passes: limited amount available

***(Good Army Camp) ONE DAY PASS INCLUDE:
Full Program + Brunch / Dinner on the given day/s you pay for. It does NOT include Oacacao membership or cacao ceremony.
This has to be purchased separately (for holders of one day Pass).

The mission:
We are a group of kindred spirits coming from various circles of medicine work, medicine music and medicine being. Longing for community, co-creating in unity.
We are hoping to manifest a strong core during this year, to invite medicine musicians to a "nordic medicine music gathering" in 2025.
We would love to give back to Mother Earth, by planting a tree for every participant joining our circle.

Something to consider:
This is a family friendly "tribal gathering".
Each day a kitchen team will cook for and with you. It is part of the experience to help eachother cooking the food and be of service. Please take min. 1 shift in the kitchen while you are here.
The camp is an alcohol, illegal drugs, and mobile free space. We ask that you keep your vices and digital devices out of the common areas. Please be present in the now.
You are invited to bring offerings for your co-creators:
Gifts of songs, workshops, words of wisdom. Funny happenings for children and grownups alike. We all make this a joyful happening, by giving it our best.

We are looking forward to meeting you <3.

Entré: 1200 kr