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Aarhus Rådhus

Rådhuspladsen 2
8000 Aarhus C
Tlf: 89 40 20 00

Aarhus Rådhus er en moderne og funktionalistisk bygning og et ikon for Aarhus. Aarhus Rådhus er tegnet af den internationalt kendte arkitekt Arne Jacobsen og Erik Møller og blev opført i 1937 - 1941. I 1994 blev bygningen fredet. Aarhus Rådhus benyttes ofte til koncerter, konferencer, udstillinger eller lignende. Arrangementerne foregår enten i Rådhushallen, der er en ca. 600 m2 stor sal, der kan rumme ca. 1.000 personer, Trafikhallen, der ofte benyttes til udstillingsområder eller Receptionen, der kan rumme 80-100 personer, og som er velegnet til konferencer, receptioner og møder. Aarhus Rådhus, Rådhuspladsen 2, 8000 Aarhus

Viser 13 events fra/efter 17. jul. 2024

Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)
23 Jul Omvisning

Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)

Tirsdag den 23. juli 2024, kl. 11.30-13.
Pris: Entré: Adults: 125 kr/euro 17. Children under 18: 50 kr/euro 7 Køb/bestil billet
Hjemmeside: Se hjemmeside
Arrangør: AarhusGuiderne
Aarhus Rådhus,
Rådhuspladsen 2, Aarhus C
Visit Arne Jacobsen and Erik Møller's famous city hall..

Learn about the history and architecture of the building. See the city council chamber, the wedding chamber, and the tower.

Language: English - but Danish guests are also welcome.

Admission: Adults - DKK 125/euro 17. Children until 18 - DKK 50/euro 7.

Free entrance with AarhusCARD.

Buy tickets at FO-Aarhus.

For questions about the tour - contact AarhusGuiderne at +45 25 88 88 17.

For information about private tours, please, contact us at
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Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)
30 Jul Omvisning

Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)

Tirsdag den 30. juli 2024, kl. 11.30-13.
Pris: Entré: Adults: 125 kr/euro 17. Children under 18: 50 kr/euro 7 Køb/bestil billet
Hjemmeside: Se hjemmeside
Arrangør: AarhusGuiderne
Aarhus Rådhus,
Rådhuspladsen 2, Aarhus C
Visit Arne Jacobsen and Erik Møller's famous city hall..

Learn about the history and architecture of the building. See the city council chamber, the wedding chamber, and the tower.

Language: English - but Danish guests are also welcome.

Admission: Adults - DKK 125/euro 17. Children until 18 - DKK 50/euro 7.

Free entrance with AarhusCARD.

Buy tickets at FO-Aarhus.

For questions about the tour - contact AarhusGuiderne at +45 25 88 88 17.

For information about private tours, please, contact us at
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Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)
6 Aug Omvisning

Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)

Tirsdag den 6. august 2024, kl. 11.30-13.
Pris: Entré: Adults: 125 kr/euro 17. Children under 18: 50 kr/euro 7 Køb/bestil billet
Hjemmeside: Se hjemmeside
Arrangør: AarhusGuiderne
Aarhus Rådhus,
Rådhuspladsen 2, Aarhus C
Visit Arne Jacobsen and Erik Møller's famous city hall..

Learn about the history and architecture of the building. See the city council chamber, the wedding chamber, and the tower.

Language: English - but Danish guests are also welcome.

Admission: Adults - DKK 125/euro 17. Children until 18 - DKK 50/euro 7.

Free entrance with AarhusCARD.

Buy tickets at FO-Aarhus.

For questions about the tour - contact AarhusGuiderne at +45 25 88 88 17.

For information about private tours, please, contact us at
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Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)
10 Aug Omvisning

Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)

Lørdag den 10. til tirsdag den 13. august 2024, kl. 11.30-13.
Pris: Entré: Adults: 125 kr/euro 17. Children under 18: 50 kr/euro 7 Køb/bestil billet
Hjemmeside: Se hjemmeside
Arrangør: AarhusGuiderne
Aarhus Rådhus,
Rådhuspladsen 2, Aarhus C
Visit Arne Jacobsen and Erik Møller's famous city hall..

Learn about the history and architecture of the building. See the city council chamber, the wedding chamber, and the tower.

Language: English - but Danish guests are also welcome.

Admission: Adults - DKK 125/euro 17. Children until 18 - DKK 50/euro 7.

Free entrance with AarhusCARD.

Buy tickets at FO-Aarhus.

For questions about the tour - contact AarhusGuiderne at +45 25 88 88 17.

For information about private tours, please, contact us at
Vis kort
Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)
17 Aug Omvisning

Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)

Lørdag den 17. til tirsdag den 20. august 2024, kl. 11.30-13.
Pris: Entré Køb/bestil billet
Hjemmeside: Se hjemmeside
Arrangør: AarhusGuiderne
Aarhus Rådhus,
Rådhuspladsen 2, Aarhus C
Visit Arne Jacobsen and Erik Møller's famous city hall..

Learn about the history and architecture of the building. See the city council chamber, the wedding chamber, and the tower.

Language: English - but Danish guests are also welcome.

Admission: Adults - DKK 125/euro 17. Children until 18 - DKK 50/euro 7.

Free entrance with AarhusCARD.

Buy tickets at FO-Aarhus.

For questions about the tour - contact AarhusGuiderne at +45 25 88 88 17.

For information about private tours, please, contact us at
Vis kort
Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)
24 Aug Omvisning

Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)

Lørdag den 24. til tirsdag den 27. august 2024, kl. 11.30-13.
Pris: Entré Køb/bestil billet
Hjemmeside: Se hjemmeside
Arrangør: AarhusGuiderne
Aarhus Rådhus,
Rådhuspladsen 2, Aarhus C
Visit Arne Jacobsen and Erik Møller's famous city hall..

Learn about the history and architecture of the building. See the city council chamber, the wedding chamber, and the tower.

Language: English - but Danish guests are also welcome.

Admission: Adults - DKK 125/euro 17. Children until 18 - DKK 50/euro 7.

Free entrance with AarhusCARD.

Buy tickets at FO-Aarhus.

For questions about the tour - contact AarhusGuiderne at +45 25 88 88 17.

For information about private tours, please, contact us at
Vis kort
Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)
31 Aug Omvisning

Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)

Lørdag den 31. august til tirsdag den 3. september 2024, kl. 11.30-13.
Pris: Entré: Adults: 125 kr/euro 17. Children under 18: 50 kr/euro 7 Køb/bestil billet
Hjemmeside: Se hjemmeside
Arrangør: AarhusGuiderne
Aarhus Rådhus,
Rådhuspladsen 2, Aarhus C
Visit Arne Jacobsen and Erik Møller's famous city hall..

Learn about the history and architecture of the building. See the city council chamber, the wedding chamber, and the tower.

Language: English - but Danish guests are also welcome.

Admission: Adults - DKK 125/euro 17. Children until 18 - DKK 50/euro 7.

Free entrance with AarhusCARD.

Buy tickets at FO-Aarhus.

For questions about the tour - contact AarhusGuiderne at +45 25 88 88 17.

For information about private tours, please, contact us at
Vis kort
Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)
7 Sep Omvisning

Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)

Lørdag den 7. september 2024, kl. 11.30-13.
Pris: Entré: Adults: 125 kr/euro 17. Children under 18: 50 kr/euro 7 Køb/bestil billet
Hjemmeside: Se hjemmeside
Arrangør: AarhusGuiderne
Aarhus Rådhus,
Rådhuspladsen 2, Aarhus C
Visit Arne Jacobsen and Erik Møller's famous city hall..

Learn about the history and architecture of the building. See the city council chamber, the wedding chamber, and the tower.

Language: English - but Danish guests are also welcome.

Admission: Adults - DKK 125/euro 17. Children until 18 - DKK 50/euro 7.

Free entrance with AarhusCARD.

Buy tickets at FO-Aarhus.

For questions about the tour - contact AarhusGuiderne at +45 25 88 88 17.

For information about private tours, please, contact us at
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Michael Carøe synger Frank Sinatra med Aarhus Jazz Orchestra
7 Sep Jazz

Michael Carøe synger Frank Sinatra med Aarhus Jazz Orchestra

Lørdag den 7. september 2024, kl. 13-14 & 15-16.
Pris: Entré: 75 kr Køb/bestil billet
Aarhus Rådhus,
Rådhuspladsen 2, Aarhus C
Vær med når Aarhus Jazz Orchestra hylder crooneren over alle croonere Frank Sinatra med to koncerter i Rådhushallen..

Vi skal opleve velkendte klassikere som "My Way" og "Fly Me to the Moon" med et velspillende 16-personers stort orkester under ledelse af den karismatiske dirigent Nikolai Bøgelund.
Koncerterne i Rådhushallen er arrangeret i et samarbejde mellem Aarhus Jazz Orchestra, Sund & Omsorg og FO Aarhus med ønsket om, at fællesskab og hyggeligt samvær går hånd i hånd med store musikalske oplevelser
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Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)
14 Sep Omvisning

Tour of Aarhus City Hall (in English)

Lørdag den 14. september 2024, kl. 11.30-13.
Pris: Entré: Adults: 125 kr/euro 17. Children under 18: 50 kr/euro 7 Køb/bestil billet
Hjemmeside: Se hjemmeside
Arrangør: AarhusGuiderne
Aarhus Rådhus,
Rådhuspladsen 2, Aarhus C
Visit Arne Jacobsen and Erik Møller's famous city hall..

Learn about the history and architecture of the building. See the city council chamber, the wedding chamber, and the tower.

Language: English - but Danish guests are also welcome.

Admission: Adults - DKK 125/euro 17. Children until 18 - DKK 50/euro 7.

Free entrance with AarhusCARD.

Buy tickets at FO-Aarhus.

For questions about the tour - contact AarhusGuiderne at +45 25 88 88 17.

For information about private tours, please, contact us at
Vis kort

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