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1/5 2023
Paolo's Jazz Club
Vollerupgade 55
DK-4792 Askeby
Zusätzliche Information: Homepage
GPS-info: Lat 54.9081, Lon 12.1774
Eintritt: 255

Paolos Jazzklub er et intimt koncertsted - skabt omkring og af pianist, bandoneonist og komponist, Paolo Russo sammen med sangerinde, kunstner og stemmelærer, Katrine Krog Russo ud fra en vision om et sted, hvor musikken har førsteprioritet, og som giver intime musikalske oplevelser i verdensklasse for publikum. Ligesom Paolos virke som musiker, arrangør og komponist spænder koncerterne i jazzklubben vidt - fra jazz til dansk folk, fra cubansk/latinsk til klassisk musik, og vil blive præsenteret som et dyk ind i Paolos kunstneriske univers med gæster fra alle musikalske genrer og fra hele verden med koncerter cirka én gang om måneden. Billetter formidles via Facebook: Paolo's Jazz Club

Alle forestillinger

LoÏc dequidt (fra) - the french touch
15 Mar, 16-18

LoÏc dequidt (fra) - the french touch

Piano. _______. Regarding tickets and payment:If the concert is sold out - please sign up for the waiting list and we will notify you directly.
Samstag 15. März 2025
Paolo's Jazz Club
Piano. _______. Regarding tickets and payment:If the concert is sold out - please sign up for the waiting list and we will notify you directly.
Limited Early Bird tickets available until one week before the concert or until sold out. If your funds are limited please contact us directly for a flexible ticket price.If the concert is not sold out - tickets at the door 325 DKK (45euro)
Payment at Paolo's Jazz Club: MobilePay or cash (DKK or EUR)
Read more about Paolo's Jazz Club at where you can also join the mailinglist
Samstag 15. März 2025, 16-18.
Entré: 275 kr
Paolo's Jazz Club, Vollerupgade 55, Askeby
Riccardo tesi (ITA) - From Tuscany to the World
26 Apr, 16-18

Riccardo tesi (ITA) - From Tuscany to the World

Organetto. _______. Regarding tickets and payment:If the concert is sold out - please sign up for the waiting list and we will notify you directly.
Samstag 26. April 2025
Paolo's Jazz Club
Organetto. _______. Regarding tickets and payment:If the concert is sold out - please sign up for the waiting list and we will notify you directly.
Limited Early Bird tickets available until one week before the concert or until sold out. If your funds are limited please contact us directly for a flexible ticket price.If the concert is not sold out - tickets at the door 325 DKK (45euro)
Payment at Paolo's Jazz Club: MobilePay or cash (DKK or EUR)
Read more about Paolo's Jazz Club at where you can also join the mailinglist
Samstag 26. April 2025, 16-18.
Entré: 275 kr
Paolo's Jazz Club, Vollerupgade 55, Askeby
Lelo nika (SRB) - Balkan Winds
24 Maj, 16-18

Lelo nika (SRB) - Balkan Winds

Lelo nika (SRB) - Balkan WindsAccordion. _______. Regarding tickets and payment:If the concert is sold out - please sign up for the waiting list and we will notify you directly.
Samstag 24. Mai 2025
Paolo's Jazz Club
Lelo nika (SRB) - Balkan WindsAccordion. _______. Regarding tickets and payment:If the concert is sold out - please sign up for the waiting list and we will notify you directly.
Limited Early Bird tickets available until one week before the concert or until sold out. If your funds are limited please contact us directly for a flexible ticket price.If the concert is not sold out - tickets at the door 325 DKK (45euro)
Payment at Paolo's Jazz Club: MobilePay or cash (DKK or EUR)
Read more about Paolo's Jazz Club at where you can also join the mailinglist
Samstag 24. Mai 2025, 16-18.
Entré: 275 kr
Paolo's Jazz Club, Vollerupgade 55, Askeby
Duo russo - holst
21 Jun, 20-22

Duo russo - holst "Solstice"

Duo russo - HOLST "Solstice": A celebration of the light on the night of the Summer Solstice.
Samstag 21. Juni 2025
Paolo's Jazz Club
Duo russo - HOLST "Solstice": A celebration of the light on the night of the Summer Solstice.
What better way to celebrate the longest day in the Northern hemisphere than by having the wonderful Duo Russo Holst playing songs from their album "Solstice" from 2024

Regarding tickets and payment:If the concert is sold out - please sign up for the waiting list and we will notify you directly.
Limited Early Bird tickets available until one week before the concert or until sold out. If your funds are limited please contact us directly for a flexible ticket price.If the concert is not sold out - tickets at the door 325 DKK (45euro)
Payment at Paolo's Jazz Club: MobilePay or cash (DKK or EUR)
Read more about Paolo's Jazz Club at where you can also join the mailinglist
Samstag 21. Juni 2025, 20-22.
Entré: 275 kr
Paolo's Jazz Club, Vollerupgade 55, Askeby