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Last updated
10/2 2024
Valby Kulturhus
Valgårdsvej 4-8
DK-2500 Valby
More information: Homepage
GPS-info: Lat 55.6612, Lon 12.5185
8 - 11 pm på hverdage - 8 - 8 pm Saturday/Sunday

Alle forestillinger

SKAB & SPIR - billedkunstholdet for børn mellem 8-12 år (10 torsdage og udstilling)
14 Mar, 4 pm

SKAB & SPIR - billedkunstholdet for børn mellem 8-12 år (10 torsdage og udstilling)

Elsker du kreative projekter eller vil du udvikle dine tegneevner? Vi udforsker perspektiv, farvelære og komposition med teknikker som tegning, collage, akvarel osv. Forløbet afsluttes med en udstilling i Valby Kulturhus. Vi glæder os til at skabe sammen!
Tuesday 13 March 2025 to Tuesday 22 May 2025
Valby Kulturhus
Elsker du kreative projekter eller vil du udvikle dine tegneevner? Vi udforsker perspektiv, farvelære og komposition med teknikker som tegning, collage, akvarel osv. Forløbet afsluttes med en udstilling i Valby Kulturhus. Vi glæder os til at skabe sammen!
SKAB & SPIR - billedkunstholdet for børn mellem 8-12 år (10 torsdage for i alt 1.250 kr) Er du vild med kreative projekter eller ønsker at udvikle dine tegneevner? Så er dette hold for dig! Vi undersøger perspektiv, farvelære og komposition og lader os inspirere af kunstnere og vores egen indre verden. Vi eksperimenterer med teknikker som tegning, tryk, collage og maleri, og med materialer som tusch, akryl og akvarel. Vi afslutter med en udstillinger. Grib penslen - vi glæder os til at skabe kunst sammen! - Hvor? Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4, 2500 Valby, ZONE 2 (2.sal) - For hvem? Børn 8-12 år - Hvornår? Torsdage: 13/3, 20/3, 27/3, 3/4, 10/4, 24/4, 1/5, 8/5, 15/5 og 22/5 (billetten gælder for alle 10 torsdage) - Hvad tid? kl. 16-17.30 - Vi afslutter med en stor udstilling! Valby Kulturhus, Valby Bibliotek og PLADS 23. (Fernisering: Midt maj)
Tuesday 13 March 2025 to Tuesday 22 May 2025, 4 pm.
Entré: 13/03-22/05 2025 1.250,0
Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4-8, Valby
Maze Ecstatic Dance Journey
14 Mar, 2.00 pm

Maze Ecstatic Dance Journey

Join us for a day of music, movement, art, and healing love! LaNua Ecstatic Dance Valby is a community project by LaNua Association & Valby Kulturhus-a space for conscious co-creation, joy, and connection.
Friday 14 March 2025
Valby Kulturhus
Join us for a day of music, movement, art, and healing love! LaNua Ecstatic Dance Valby is a community project by LaNua Association & Valby Kulturhus-a space for conscious co-creation, joy, and connection.
14:00-17:30 - Conscious Maze (FREE & Open to All!)

14:00-14:30 - Outdoor Music, Opening of the Maze Doors & Gathering

14:30-15:00 - Opening Conscious Maze Ceremony with Karsten & Mr. Lovely

15:00-16:30 - Conscious Maze
Step into a community MAZE of music, movement, and healing arts!

Our amazing Conscious Angels will guide us through a journey of experiences outside, in the Maze Sal , and in the Heart Room .
(See below for the Angel list and their offerings in the Maze.)

16:30-17:30 - Musical Potluck
Bring your favorite dish & drink to share! Enjoy a soulful blend of music as our angel musicians, Nadia Flute & Aline Gong Bath, guide us into relaxation.

17:30-19:00 - Voice Liberation (160 DKK)
Guided by Hanne Siboni - Discover the healing power of your voice in this transformative workshop.

19:00-22:30 - Ecstatic Maze Dance Journey (160 DKK)
Guided by Nadia & Hanne with DJ Heartzet - Let the music move you!

22:30-00:00 - FirePlace Dragon Dreaming Singing Circle (FREE)
A magical closing circle by the fire.

Tickets & Booking

Full Journey (14:00-00:00) - 320 DKK
Voice Liberation Only (17:30-19:00) - 160 DKK
Ecstatic Dance Only (19:00-00:00) - 160 DKK

Book now via MobilePay: Payment Link


Valby Kulturhus, Copenhagen
Enter from Toftegårds Plads -> Turn right -> Walk down the white hallway -> Left door to the dance space.

Ecstatic Dance Guidelines

No talking on the dance floor
Substance-free experience
Wear comfortable clothing
Respect personal space & hygiene
Arrive on time to honor the journey

Meet the LaNua Co-creators

* Hanne Siboni - Voice & Movement Facilitator
Guiding you to connect with your authentic voice through embodiment and co-creation. Explore vocal expression as a tool for healing and self-discovery.

* Heartzet (AR) - Music Producer & DJ

* Aline Baco - Kundalini Yoga & Osho Meditation Teacher
Offering: Healing Circle - Mantra & Collective Energy, Self-Love Celestial Communication ("I Am the Light of a Soul"), Gong Bath

* Karsten Bøgvad - Breathwork & Meditation Guide (TBD)

* Nadia Flute - Musician (TBD)

* Lars Lovely - (TBD)

* Dan - Healing Meditation Guide
A multi-layered journey into healing frequencies that reach beyond the surface, touching hidden dimensions of consciousness. My voice gently guides you inward, inviting relaxation and openness, while the music flows-not just as sound, but as a carrier of intention.

* Nadia Eritsian-Hansen - Dance Facilitator
Experienced in dance and movement guidance across Denmark, Russia, and Australia. Leading guided movement exercises to awaken body and spirit before Ecstatic Dance.

* Itzi - Organizer of LaNua & Ecstatic Dance Copenhagen Events *

During the event, I'll be offering taste sessions of ShantiLove De-Armouring & Kundalini Activation - 10-20 minutes of Kundalini Activation with the , which you can also easily learn to share with others!

I'll also play a 20-minute Soundbook set to warm up for our Ecstatic DJ of the evening.

Join Us as a Co-Creator!

This is our first community event of the season! If you'd like to share your energy, creativity, or skills, we welcome you to co-create this magical experience with us.

Contact & Community
LaNua - Art of Being

WhatsApp (Itzi): +45 4240 7546
FB Group: LaNua Community
WhatsApp Group: Join Here

* Invite your friends! Facebook Event

#LaNua #EcstaticDanceCopenhagen
Friday 14 March 2025, 2.00 pm.
Entré: Fra 160
Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4-8, Valby
Voice Liberation by Hanne Siboni
14 Mar, 5.30 pm

Voice Liberation by Hanne Siboni

Discover the healing power of your voice in this transformative workshop.
Friday 14 March 2025
Valby Kulturhus
Discover the healing power of your voice in this transformative workshop.
As part of a whole day journey:
Maze Ecstatic Dance Journey - Friday, 14/3 at Valby Kulturhus!
More info here

Tickets & Booking
Full Journey (14:00-00:00) - 320 DKK
Voice Liberation Only (17:30-19:00) - 160 DKK
Ecstatic Dance Only (19:00-00:00) - 160 DKK
Book now via MobilePay

Hanne Siboni is facilitator:
Friday 14 March 2025, 5.30 pm.
Entré: 160 kr
Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4-8, Valby
Musik-bingo x th-bar_marts
15 Mar, 8 pm - 11 pm

Musik-bingo x th-bar_marts

En uforglemmelig aften venter! *Gør dig klar til en episk musik-bingo fest i det dejlige Valby Kulturhus - en aften fyldt med grin, fællesskab og masser af good vibes!
Saturday 15 March 2025
Valby Kulturhus
En uforglemmelig aften venter! *Gør dig klar til en episk musik-bingo fest i det dejlige Valby Kulturhus - en aften fyldt med grin, fællesskab og masser af good vibes!
Vi starter blødt - der vil være snacks på bordene til at stille den lille sult, mens vi finder vores pladser. Og ja, din kuglepen bliver din nye bedste ven! Så husk at tage den med - den er nøglen til bingoglory! Tørstig? Frygt ej! Vores legendariske barteam er klar til at slukke din tørst med kolde fadøl, sprøde drinks og forfriskende sodavand. Hydrering og feststemning går hånd i hånd - så skål for det! * Og hey... glem ikke at varme hofterne op - vi skal ryste løs, grine højt og feste som aldrig før. Det her bliver en aften, du sent vil glemme! Vi glæder os til at se dig!

Bingo, men make it MAGICAL! *
Vi spiller ikke bare almindelig bingo her - nej, vi gør det til en musikalsk fest af episke dimensioner! I stedet for kedelige numre finder du kunstnere og sangtitler på din plade. Og hold nu fast: vores fantastiske vært vil fyre sangene af, mens du krydser af - hallo, ren karaoke-stemning!
Vi krydser fingre for, at Taylor Swift, Queen eller måske selveste Bjørnebanden dukker op på din plade. For det betyder kun én ting: Du er tættere på den legendariske præmie! *

Men vent - der er mere! Vi kårer også det bord eller den gruppe, der spreder den mest fantastiske, energiske og livlige stemning. Så pak stive albuer og surmuleri langt væk - det er tid til juhuuus, dans og velfortjente points!

Tag vennerne, kollegaerne eller familien med under armen, og lad os skabe en aften fuld af latter, fællesskab og musikalske hits, der får os alle til at synge med! Vi glæder os helt vildt til at se jer lørdag d.15.03 i Valby Kulturhus. Vi lover jer en fest, der vil blive husket længe - det bliver intet mindre end ikonisk!

Praktisk info:
Kl. 19:20 åbner vi dørene og udleverer spilleplader (ekstra spilleplader kan købes i baren) (husk egen kuglepen)Kl. 20:00 spiller vi Musik-bingo! (husk egen kuglepen)
Pris pr. person 99,-
Der er plads til 100 personer, så det er først til mølle.Der må ikke medbringes vegne drikkevarer, øvrige drikkevarer kan tilkøbes i baren.
Valby Kulturhus er gået sammen med TH-BAR om at invitere til musik-bingo
Saturday 15 March 2025, 8 pm - 11 pm.
Entré: 99 kr
Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4-8, Valby
Chamber Games' Improshow @Valby Kulturhus
22 Mar, 8 pm - 9.15 pm

Chamber Games' Improshow @Valby Kulturhus

Lørdag d. 22. marts kan du opleve et show som intet andet, når amber Games Impro-comedy rammer Valby Kulturhus. I løbet af showet præsenteres publikum for en buffet af elskelige karakterer og underfundige universer.
Saturday 22 March 2025
Valby Kulturhus
Lørdag d. 22. marts kan du opleve et show som intet andet, når amber Games Impro-comedy rammer Valby Kulturhus. I løbet af showet præsenteres publikum for en buffet af elskelige karakterer og underfundige universer.
Kun rammerne er aftalt på forhånd for selve handlingen i aftenens fire forestillinger skabes live i løbende samspil med publikum, skuespillerne og kapelmesteren.Alt kan ske og ingen aftener er ens. Sikkert er det, at processen bliver inspirerende, spændende og ikke mindst vanvittig morsom!OMTALE"Chamber Games er et både rutineret og opfindsomt hold, der mestrer improgenren til fingerspidserne." -"Er man til impro eller comedy kan Chamber Games Impro varmt anbefales som et bud på en veloplagt aften med vennerne." - SetpaascenenDøre: kl. 19.30Showstart: kl. 20.00Varighed: ca. 60-70 min.Sted: Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4, 2500 Valb
Saturday 22 March 2025, 8 pm - 9.15 pm.
Entré: 65-100 kr
Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4-8, Valby
Eve sharing #5
29 Mar, 7 pm - 10 pm

Eve sharing #5

// 29-03-25 // kl. 19We are back with a brand new series of Eve Sharings - performance evenings showcasing raw work from the artists of Dance Cooperative.
Saturday 29 March 2025
Valby Kulturhus
// 29-03-25 // kl. 19We are back with a brand new series of Eve Sharings - performance evenings showcasing raw work from the artists of Dance Cooperative.
During the course of 2025 we will host 4 Eve Sharings with new pieces and freshly tapped ideas in all forms and formats.
In our upcoming edition we present:Antoinette Heibling: ON/CRYING
Andreas Haglund & Asta Norborg / FASCIA: Surbending
Location: The event takes place in Valby Kulturhus (Valgårdsvej 4, 2500 Valby / Toftegårds Plads).
Tickets are sliding scale
65 kr.-100 kr.// If you want to join but can't afford to pay entrance - let us know!

Eve Sharing is supported by Statens Kunstfond
Saturday 29 March 2025, 7 pm - 10 pm.
Entré: 65 kr
Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4-8, Valby
Fænomenet Bruno Gröning
30 Mar, 11 am - 5 pm

Fænomenet Bruno Gröning

Filmen beskriver de usædvanlige helbredelser i hele verden som skete i 1950'erne og fortsætter den dag i dag.
Sunday 30 March 2025
Valby Kulturhus
Filmen beskriver de usædvanlige helbredelser i hele verden som skete i 1950'erne og fortsætter den dag i dag.
Sunday 30 March 2025, 11 am - 5 pm.
Fri entré
Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4-8, Valby
Ecstatic dance with Grundstoff & Ionstrøm
30 Mar, 7 pm - 10.15 pm

Ecstatic dance with Grundstoff & Ionstrøm

March 30th, DJ GRUNDSTOFF will be on the decks and provide the Ecstatic Landscape Journey, while IONSTROM will be supporting the set with live elements on percussion, didgeridoo, kalimba et cetera.
Sunday 30 March 2025
Valby Kulturhus
March 30th, DJ GRUNDSTOFF will be on the decks and provide the Ecstatic Landscape Journey, while IONSTROM will be supporting the set with live elements on percussion, didgeridoo, kalimba et cetera.
Grundstoff will also prepare the Ceremonial Cacao, lightly spiced up with vanilla and ginger.

Our events is an invitation to approach dance as a moving meditation, as a way to sweat your prayers and celebrate being alive, with all that it brings!
Have you ever been longing for a dancefloor where you can set yourself free to dance as if no one is watching, and where everyone else is doing it too? A dancefloor with a high and clear vibe - no alcohol, no small talk, no smartphones, no shoes. Just a crowd of people moving their bodies for the pure enjoyment of it, for the therapy, the medicine, the pleasure.
Whatever mood you might be in when you arrive, let it move. There is no agenda and nothing you can do wrong in your way of dancing. It is a potential self-healing place, a potential meditation in motion - or you might simply just like to move your body in a room with other dancers. Come and be free to move as YOU!
Please invite your friends - They will love it, you will love it, we will love it!!

The DJs intention is to create a smooth wave with great variety, for you to experience yourself and your moving body in different ways, a multicolor journey with room for many aspects of being human.
In Ecstatic Dance with Grundstoff & Ionstrøm, you will always start out slow and sensitive, building intensity and landing back into slow at the end.
In between, you will experience a variety of emotional and energetic landscapes; playful, light, heavy, blissful, aggressive, breathtaking, disturbing, sexual, melancholic, soft, fast, slow
We have a deep love for electronic music, and we also love the organic elements; beautiful voices, violins, saxophones, percussion, hang drums. Expect tunes and voices from south america, balkan, spain, scandinavia & india.
Expect swing discoteque, movie soundtrack, cirkus music and psytrance. Expect singing bowls, wobble base and traditional bulgarian choirs. It will all be weaved seamlessly together in a flow that feels smooth and inviting.
The DJ set will sometimes be accompanied with live instruments, and the event is started and rounded off in an acoustic soundscape.

We will offer Ceremonial Cacao as a supplement to the dance. You can choose a dance ticket with cacao or without.
Ceremonial Cacao can enhance your dance, energize the body and connect you more deeply with yourself and others. It's soft yet deep, supporting you to tap into your full potential on the dancefloor.
This gentle medicine works with your natural energy, guiding you to greater ecstasy while keeping you grounded

* A water bottle!
* Dry clothes for after the event - we intend to make you sweaty
* Your favorite cup for cacao - lets save single use materials!

We begin with a short introduction to Ecstatic Dance guidelines and a few words to welcome new dancers. A short group exercise (that you can join or skip) will open the dance, and then there will be no more guiding words.
Our style of holding space is very non-invasive - there is nothing you have to do, be or believe. We aim to create a relaxed, unpretentious atmosphere, while still holding a safe container.
Every expression is welcome. Floor crawling, shaking, large movements, stillness - follow your body. Dance alone or dance together, move as you please between these elements and more.
The general Ecstatic Dance guidelines apply - see the end of the page.

PROGRAM 30/3 - 2025:
19.00 - Welcome! Doors open.
19.15 - Doors closing, we start serving Cacao.
19.30 - Gathering circle, drinking cacao (or water) together
Short intro to the cacao & the dance practice, light soundscapes with soft instruments.

20.00 - Warmup. Journey with DJ Grundstoff slowly sets off.
22.00 - Dance journey ends. Finishing circle. Light soundscapes with soft instruments
You can stay, chill and socialize with fellow dancers while we're packing.

23.00 - Everyone need to be out of the room

Grundstoff & Ionstrøm are living together as life mates since 2011, working and creating together.
Sandra Grundstoff has 25+ years background with facilitating yoga, meditation and free dance. As a DJ, she has been active in the Copenhagen conscious dance culture since 2016. She has a down-to-earth approach, aiming to hold an accepting space that is both free and safe, where the music and your own body is the guide.

Chrell Ionstrøm Kemnitz is a talented jack-of many-instruments, yoga teacher and massage therapist since 25+ years and a multi-faceted body artist - fire staff dance, slackline, fencing and street performance to mention some. With his DJ debut in 2021, he has a natural
Sunday 30 March 2025, 7 pm - 10.15 pm.
Entré: 230 kr
Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4-8, Valby
SKAB & SPIR - billedkunstholdet for børn mellem 10-15 år (10 torsdage og udstilling)
3 Apr, 4 pm

SKAB & SPIR - billedkunstholdet for børn mellem 10-15 år (10 torsdage og udstilling)

Elsker du kreative projekter eller vil du udvikle dine tegneevner? Vi udforsker perspektiv, farvelære og komposition med teknikker som tegning, collage, akvarel osv. Forløbet afsluttes med en udstilling i Valby Kulturhus. Vi glæder os til at skabe sammen!
Tuesday 3 April 2025 to Tuesday 19 June 2025
Valby Kulturhus
Elsker du kreative projekter eller vil du udvikle dine tegneevner? Vi udforsker perspektiv, farvelære og komposition med teknikker som tegning, collage, akvarel osv. Forløbet afsluttes med en udstilling i Valby Kulturhus. Vi glæder os til at skabe sammen!
SKAB & SPIR - billedkunstholdet for børn mellem 10-15 år (10 torsdage for i alt 1.250 kr) Er du vild med kreative projekter eller ønsker at udvikle dine tegneevner? Så er dette hold for dig! Vi undersøger perspektiv, farvelære og komposition og lader os inspirere af kunstnere og vores egen indre verden. Vi eksperimenterer med teknikker som tegning, tryk, collage og maleri, og med materialer som tusch, akryl og akvarel. Vi afslutter med en udstilling. Instruktøren, Anne Sophie Bosc, er uddannet billedkunstlærer og kunstner Vores forening hedder NUBIM - Hvor? Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4, 2500 Valby, børnekulturstedet (2.sal) - For hvem? Børn 10-15 år - Hvornår? Torsdage: 3/4, 10/4, 24/4, 1/5, 8/5, 15/5, 22/5, 29/5, 12/6 og 19/6 (billetten gælder for alle 10 torsdage) - Hvad tid? kl. 16-17.30 - Vi afslutter med en stor udstilling!
Tuesday 3 April 2025 to Tuesday 19 June 2025, 4 pm.
Entré: 03/04-19/06 2025 1.250,0
Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4-8, Valby
Hofte- og knæartrose (OA) - foredrag ved Theresa Bieler
8 Apr, 6 pm - 8.30 pm

Hofte- og knæartrose (OA) - foredrag ved Theresa Bieler

Hofte- og knæartrose (OA) er en af de største årsager til handicap globalt. Med stigende fedme og demografiske ændringer forventes en øget efterspørgsel efter behandling af OA. Tidlig behandling er vigtig for at bremse sygdommen.
Tuesday 8 April 2025
Valby Kulturhus
Hofte- og knæartrose (OA) er en af de største årsager til handicap globalt. Med stigende fedme og demografiske ændringer forventes en øget efterspørgsel efter behandling af OA. Tidlig behandling er vigtig for at bremse sygdommen.
Forståelse af muskelfaktorer bag OA kan hjælpe. Svag knæmuskel er forbundet med højere risiko for knæ-OA og forværring af symptomer.

Knæekstensorer beskytter leddene, men deres rolle i OA er ikke helt klar. Styrketræning, især for knæekstensorer, er vigtig i behandlingen og kan reducere smerter og handicap mere effektivt end generelle øvelser.

Foredragsholderen Theresa Bieler arbejder med klinisk forskning indenfor kroniske lidelser som f.eks. artrose (slidgigt) og kronisk obstruktiv lungelidelse (KOL), ortopæd- og idrætskirurgi, idrætsmedicin og raske seniorer og ældre. Hvor det særlige fokus er og har været på effekt af træning, adfærdsændringer i forhold til fysisk aktivitet og træning, fysisk funktion og muskelfunktion, samt måleredskaber
Tuesday 8 April 2025, 6 pm - 8.30 pm.
Entré: 150 kr
Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4-8, Valby
Final Descent x Fanø Free Folk Festival: Alison Cotton (UK) + Emil Palme (DK)
11 Apr, 7.00 pm

Final Descent x Fanø Free Folk Festival: Alison Cotton (UK) + Emil Palme (DK)

Join us for a night of drone-folk when Final Descent and Fanø Free Folk Festival invite you to Valby Kulturhus for a double concert featuring British artist Alison Cotton and local musician Emil Palme.
Friday 11 April 2025
Valby Kulturhus
Join us for a night of drone-folk when Final Descent and Fanø Free Folk Festival invite you to Valby Kulturhus for a double concert featuring British artist Alison Cotton and local musician Emil Palme.
Join us for a night of drone-folk when Final Descent and Fanø Free Folk Festival invite you to Valby Kulturhus for a double concert featuring British artist Alison Cotton and local musician Emil Palme.

Alison Cotton's dark and mysterious music is a journey into the shadowy corners of the mind. Melancholic loops of vocals and viola merge into hypnotic, elongated soundscapes that exist somewhere between psychedelic free-folk, goth, and doom.

Emil Palme is a composer and guitarist whose practice is rooted in Scandinavian folklore and experimental music. His expanded guitar techniques are further explored on his second solo release, Death by Angel, which this concert celebrates the release of.

Buy tickets

Alison Cotton (UK):

Since making her solo album debut in 2018, Alison Cotton has established herself as one of the leading figures in the new wave of experimental British folk music.

With a foundation of looped, chanting vocals and mournful violas, Cotton crafts enigmatic and otherworldly soundscapes where the dark, timeless spirit of folk music drifts between a wealth of influences - from psychedelic neo-folk and goth rock to grand choral compositions and crushing doom.

In 2024, Cotton released her sixth solo album, Engelchen - a concept album that tells the true story of sisters Ida and Louise Cook from Sunderland in 1930s Nazi-occupied Europe. Through the international networks they built via their passion for opera, they helped numerous Jewish people escape from Germany and Poland in the years leading up to World War II. Those they saved affectionately called them Engelchen, and their story is one of remarkable courage and compassion.

Emil Palme (DK):

Death by Angel is Emil Palme's second solo album-a "doom requiem" that illustrates the journey from life to the afterlife. The music is inspired by ancient mythology, where the angel of death guides our soul through the unknown. Each movement in the piece is a passage, representing the inevitable journey that all living beings must take.

Stones are drawn like bows across the strings of the electric guitar, producing chanting and lamenting patterns that evoke a dystopian and ceremonial primal sound. Straddling the boundary between composition and improvisation, this technique unfolds the music in an organic and unpredictable way.

There is a kind of primal force and vital simplicity in the expression, reminiscent of certain corners of Morton Feldman's work or the new Malone/O'Malley coalition.

Death by Angel is released on the new Danish label Vasen and follows Palme's 2023 debut album, Ripen
Friday 11 April 2025, 7.00 pm.
Entré: 130 dkr + gebyr
Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4-8, Valby
Metal for Fred, Valby Kulturhus, Dansk undergrundsmetal
12 Apr, 1.30 pm

Metal for Fred, Valby Kulturhus, Dansk undergrundsmetal

Dansk undergrundsmetal spiller for verdensfred. Hello Pity(DE), G INC(UA), Down to None(DK), SPLIT(DK), Crimson Burial(DK), Mea Culpa(DK), Kaiju(DK), AVARICE(DK) og Crown The Beast(DK). Oplev den bedste metal fra den Københavnske undergrundsscene.
Saturday 12 April 2025
Valby Kulturhus
Dansk undergrundsmetal spiller for verdensfred. Hello Pity(DE), G INC(UA), Down to None(DK), SPLIT(DK), Crimson Burial(DK), Mea Culpa(DK), Kaiju(DK), AVARICE(DK) og Crown The Beast(DK). Oplev den bedste metal fra den Københavnske undergrundsscene.
Saturday 12 April 2025, 1.30 pm.
Entré: 100 kr
Valby Kulturhus, Valgårdsvej 4-8, Valby