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Møllegade 7
DK-2200 Copenhagen N
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Et splittet Tyskland?
14 Mar, 4.30 pm

Et splittet Tyskland?

Den 9. november 2024 var det 35-årsdagen for Berlinmurens fald. Alligevel oplever mange unge tyskere, at splittelsen fortsat mentalt lever videre.
Friday 14 March 2025
Den 9. november 2024 var det 35-årsdagen for Berlinmurens fald. Alligevel oplever mange unge tyskere, at splittelsen fortsat mentalt lever videre.
På vidt forskellige måder behandler Charlotte Gneuß og Marlen Hobrack, to yngre forfattere fra Leipzig, de nedarvede traumer, retten til fortællingen og fortidens betydning i samtiden i deres aktuelle romaner Gittersee og Schrödingers Grrrl. Takket være forlagene Alpha og Falco, såvel som oversætterne Henrik Andersen og Ditte Engels Hermansen, er begge bøger nu også udkommet på dansk. På fredag den 14. marts 2025 kan du opleve begge forfattere live i en litterær samtale med oversætter og bogblogger Ditte Engels Hermansen i LiteraturHaus. Samtalen foregår på tysk med danske opsummeringer. Dørene åbner kl. 16.15. Marlen Hobrack (født 1986) har studeret litteratur- og medievidenskab samt kulturstudier. Hun har skrevet for forskellige aviser og magasiner, heriblandt Freitag, taz, Die Zeit og Die Welt. Hun skriver særligt om feminisme, moderskab og kunst. I 2022 udkom hendes debat- og fagbog Klassenbeste, hvor hun med afsæt i morens biografi beskriver den østtyske arbejderklasse. Schrödingers Grrrl er hendes romandebut. Her fortæller hun historien om Mara Wolf, en yngre, arbejdsløs kvinde, der modvilligt udgiver sig for at være forfatter af en bog, som er skrevet af en ældre mand, og i den forbindelse sætter hun spørgsmålstegn ved absurditeterne i den litterære scene og ved sin egen identitet. Romanen udkom hos Falco i Ditte Hermansens danske oversættelse. Charlotte Gneuß (f. 1992) er født i Ludwigsburg i Baden-Württemberg. Hun har studeret i Dresden, Leipzig og Berlin og arbejder som dramatiker. Charlotte Gneuß' familie stammer fra Dresden, hendes forældre forlod DDR et halvt år før Murens fald. I Gittersee fortæller hun historien om den 16-årige Karin, som i 70'ernes DDR blev rekrutteret som Stasi-informant, og belyser herigennem samtidens sammensatte moralske og samfundsmæssige udfordringer. Med bogen udløste Gneuß en debat om, hvorvidt vesttyske forfattere, som er født efter Murens fald, har ret til at skrive om østtyske emner. Ditte Engels Hermansen (f. 1992) arbejder som freelance oversætter og forfatter. Sideløbende driver hun bogbloggen @litteraturdk på Instagram, og i 2020 modtog hun prisen for årets danske bogblog. Hun holder et vågent øje med den nordiske og tysksprogede litterære scene. Ditte har studeret litteratur og tysk ved Københavns Universitet og bor i Leipzig. Arrangementet er et samarbejde mellem Goethe-Institut Dänemark, Dansk-tysk Selskab, Tysk Fredag ved Københavns Universitet samt forlagene Alpha og Falco
Friday 14 March 2025, 4.30 pm.
LiteraturHaus, Møllegade 7, Copenhagen N
Mulher na Roda - Brazilian Night
15 Mar, 20:30 - 2.30 am

Mulher na Roda - Brazilian Night

3 fantastiske livekoncerter indenfor forskellige brasilianske stilarter! Kom med til et brag af en aften, hvor vi hylder kvinder indenfor musikken i anledning af Kvindernes internationale kampdag. Kontant eller mobilepay i døren.
Saturday 15 March 2025 and Sunday 16 March 2025
3 fantastiske livekoncerter indenfor forskellige brasilianske stilarter! Kom med til et brag af en aften, hvor vi hylder kvinder indenfor musikken i anledning af Kvindernes internationale kampdag. Kontant eller mobilepay i døren.
Arrangementet er støttet af Dansk Musikerforbund og Musikudvalget

prepare to be amazed by our stellar lineup:

Sabrina Brazzill: A sensational artist who has graced the stage at the Copenhagen Jazz Festival 2024, Sabrina Brazzill brings her enchanting Bossa Nova and MPB tunes to life. Her performances are a mesmerizing blend of jazz and Brazilian classics that will captivate your heart and soul. (Instagram: sabrinabrazzil)

Forró de Bicicleta:

This dynamic group fuses the lively rhythms of Brazilian Forró with the unique sounds of Nordic folk violin and jazz. Their performances are a whirlwind of song, percussion, and powerful rhythms that will have you dancing all night long. Experience the joy and energy that Forró de Bicicleta brings to the stage.

Naomi and Samba da Gente:

Dutch-Brazilian singer-songwriter Naomi, known for her work with the Amsterdam-based pagode band Sambaroot, will join forces with Copenhagen's most vibrant Samba band, Samba da Gente, led by the charismatic Marcio do Cavaco. Together, they will deliver an electrifying performance that blends Latin pop, soul, RnB, and Samba. (Instagram: naomibright)

DJ Carla Shack (from Batukizer):

Brazilian DJ Carla Shack, based in Denmark, is not only a talented DJ but also a songwriter and educator at the NGO Future Female Sounds. Batukizer DJs will take you on a musical journey through the rich legacies of Brazilian dance floor music, inspired by nature, spirituality, art, history, and regional culture. Get ready to groove to their passionate and rhythmic beats! (Instagram: batukizer, carlashack)

Why the name "Mulher na Roda"?
"Mulher na Roda" means "woman in the circle" when directly translated from Portuguese. In Brazilian culture, "Roda" also refers to a temporary stage for music, play, and physical expression, where communication happens on multiple levels simultaneously. During the "game" in the roda, participants can express themselves physically and interpret each other's conscious and unconscious signals.

The roda is not confined by the edge of the stage but spreads out and reaches the dancing audience. The roda makes the world spin and synchronizes the spirit and soul of everyone who takes part in it. As a circle, the roda has no beginning or end, symbolizing unity and continuity
Saturday 15 March 2025 and Sunday 16 March 2025, 20:30 - 2.30 am.
Entré: 150 kr
LiteraturHaus, Møllegade 7, Copenhagen N
Cph Listening Room Feat: Den Dybere Mening (DK)
16 Mar, 19:00 - 11.00 pm

Cph Listening Room Feat: Den Dybere Mening (DK)

Our weekly Copenhagen singer-songwriter venue is known for its attentive audience, international & welcoming atmosphere and pro sound. And, for being all volunteer run, by The Listening Roomies Forening. House guitar & grand piano.
Sunday 16 March 2025
Our weekly Copenhagen singer-songwriter venue is known for its attentive audience, international & welcoming atmosphere and pro sound. And, for being all volunteer run, by The Listening Roomies Forening. House guitar & grand piano.
The 12-14-year-old duo Riis&Skånstrøm became the trio Den Dybere Mening some years ago, which has since become a quintet with guitar, piano, bass, cajon and vocals.
The band's strength is its melodic flair and Skånstrøm's poetically budding lyrics in Danish. They're difficult to put into a genre formula. Singer-songwriter, but also pop, folk, soul and rock elements.

Open stage:

- Two-song spots (max 10 minutes) for the first 14 songwriters who sign up from 19.15. Live original music only.
Eloquent hosting - and a bunch of friendly volunteers on sound, lights, camera & in the bar.

- Featured artist at 9 pm:
Den Dybere Mening (DK)
Sunday 16 March 2025, 19:00 - 11.00 pm.
Fri entré
LiteraturHaus, Møllegade 7, Copenhagen N
17 Mar, 5 pm


Everybody welcome. So here we are, a bunch of strangers with pens. Some of us are writers, or so we say. Others just like the idea of putting words down and seeing what happens. Either way, you?re in the right place.
Monday 17 March 2025
Everybody welcome. So here we are, a bunch of strangers with pens. Some of us are writers, or so we say. Others just like the idea of putting words down and seeing what happens. Either way, you?re in the right place.
Every Monday at Literaturhaus Café, we gather to do something outrageous: we write. By hand. Together. No one?s here to tell you what to do. There are prompts, sure, little nudges to get your brain working. But what you do with them is up to you. The rule is simple: don?t overthink it. Write fast. Write messy. Write as if you?re trying to outrun a bear and the bear is self-doubt. First thoughts are best thoughts, or at least they?re a start. When the dust settles, we read. Not because we?re auditioning for anything, but because it?s nice to hear how other people?s brains work. It?s nice to see that their words are just as messy and marvelous as yours. You can write in English, Danish, or whatever language keeps you company at night. Doesn?t matter. You?re here, and that?s enough. Wordsword isn?t about being good at writing. It?s about showing up, which, let?s face it, is most of the battle. It?s about connecting: to your own thoughts, to the page, and to the people around you who are all just trying to make sense of things, same as you. So grab a pen. Bring a story. Let?s see what happens. Wordsword is hosted by Patrick Horner, a Canadian poet and engineer based in Denmark, specializing in developing water treatment technologies. His literary works, encompassing poetry and fiction, have been featured internationally in various journals and magazines. As a dedicated cultural organizer, he contributes to Red Door: and serves as a co-director of Nature and Culture, Copenhagen International Poetry Film Festival. Patrick has facilitated writing workshops in diverse settings, including prisons and psychiatric hospitals. His debut poetic novel, ?Refugia:,? was released by the University of Calgary Press in 2022
Monday 17 March 2025, 5 pm.
LiteraturHaus, Møllegade 7, Copenhagen N
Ctc Open Stage
18 Mar, 8 pm

Ctc Open Stage

Join us at our bi-monthly Open Stage events, where you provide the talent! Everyone is welcome to attend and perform - just be sure to sign up in advance. Call for performers.
Tuesday 18 March 2025
Join us at our bi-monthly Open Stage events, where you provide the talent! Everyone is welcome to attend and perform - just be sure to sign up in advance. Call for performers.
A call to artists old and new: this is the space you have been looking for to try out your work in front of an energetic and supportive audience. Copenhagen wants to see what you've got! Our Open Stage event welcomes performers of all genres: poets, storytellers, stand-up comedians, singers, dancers, clowns, musicians, magicians, and more. For more information visit
Tuesday 18 March 2025, 8 pm.
LiteraturHaus, Møllegade 7, Copenhagen N
Ales Steger - Above the Earth Beneath the Sky
19 Mar, 7 pm

Ales Steger - Above the Earth Beneath the Sky

The selected poems by Ales Steger are distinguished by their exceptional musicality and breadth of interpretative possibilities.
Wednesday 19 March 2025
The selected poems by Ales Steger are distinguished by their exceptional musicality and breadth of interpretative possibilities.
The Slovenian poet, who performs his poems in the original and, depending on the audience, in translations, has been performing with accordionist and composer Jure Tori for seven years. Over time, a unique fusion of music and lyrics has emerged, a performative ritual based on haunting compositions, laconically entertaining and accessible lyrics, and an energetic performance that combines the celestial and the earthly. Some of the past performances: Poetry Festival Shanghai, Literaturfest Munich, Literaturfestival Leukerbad, International Poetry Festival Genova, Marche de la Poesie, Paris, Literarisches Colloquium, Berlin, Minoriten Graz, Litfest Rijeka, Buchmesse Frankfurt,. LINKS: Videopoem directed by Jan Cvitkovic : Website of Ales Steger: Website of Jure Tori: Poetry Festival Genoa: Performance in Ptuj Town Library: Corona concert on the Orlek Hill:
Wednesday 19 March 2025, 7 pm.
LiteraturHaus, Møllegade 7, Copenhagen N
Elephant Riot
20 Mar, 7.30 pm

Elephant Riot

In 1804, the first ever elephant set foot in Scandinavia as part of Jean-Baptiste Gautier?s travelling menagerie. After two years as Stockholm?s hottest ticket, they made a classic showbiz mistake, and headed out on tour.
Tuesday 20 March 2025
In 1804, the first ever elephant set foot in Scandinavia as part of Jean-Baptiste Gautier?s travelling menagerie. After two years as Stockholm?s hottest ticket, they made a classic showbiz mistake, and headed out on tour.
Bad food, uncomfortable hotel nights and one star reviews were soon topped by a two day RIOT in the small Swedish market town of Ska?nninge. Next stop Denmark, where things went from bad to worse! Almost exactly, but not quite, two hundred and seven years later, ELEPHANT RIOT traces the elephant?s final journey through Finland, Sweden and across to Denmark. Join Ben Kersley, comedian, storyteller, Englishman and idiot for some heavyweight light entertainment as he explores the parallel showbiz lives of Scandinavia?s first elephant and his own trail of Nordic laughter, destruction and animal husbandry. Expect Meerkats, Angry Swedish Mobs, Taxidermy, British Warships, and a heart-warming, coming-of-age tale of life in a menagerie. No animals will be hurt too badly during the performance. This production is supported by the Goethe Institute?s ?Culture Moves Europe? programme. Ben Kersley is a comedian who has performed all over Sweden as well as Denmark, Finland, Estonia, the UK and New York. He wrote the sitcom Pitcher Pa? Paus (SVT) and produced and directed the award winning stand up comedy road movie Big In Sweden (TV4), both with Al Pitcher. Ben wrote and performed a solo show Gangster Comedian (STOFF, Lund Comedy Festival) and has written a screenplay, Northern Delightz, with writer Paddy Kelly. In 2021, Ben was awarded Lars Winnerba?cks Nyponpriset. Find out more about Ben on his website
Tuesday 20 March 2025, 7.30 pm.
Entré: 150 kr + evt. gebyr
LiteraturHaus, Møllegade 7, Copenhagen N
21 Mar, 7 pm


The Same Table #1. Teaterinstallation. Varighed: 60 min uden pause.
Friday 21 March 2025
The Same Table #1. Teaterinstallation. Varighed: 60 min uden pause.
Awkward er en farverig skulptur med ægte mad, som publikum udforsker gennem instruktioner i øret. Publikum inviteres til at række ind i overfloden: vælge med deres sanser og finde en dyb forbindelse til maden på vores bord og til menneskene omkring os.

Awkward handler også om "hvordan" vi nyder eller forbruger mad. Om hvordan det kan være svært eller pinligt at deltage i fællesskabsstunder i vores samfund. Hvordan både vores mad og vores relationer hænger sammen med vores mentale sundhed.

Forestillingen afsluttes med en fællesspisning. Hovedretterne er veganske og glutenfri, og vi spørger om specifikke allergier ved ankomsten

Medvirkende: Delia Trice, Miriam Röstlinger Goldkuhl, Alem Gebrehewot, Jaqueline Mortensen, Daniel G. Muniz
Friday 21 March 2025, 7 pm.
Entré: Børn/Unge: 90 kr, Gruppe, Børn/Unge: 40 kr, Gruppe, Voksen: 400 kr, Ledsager til Gruppe, Børn/Unge: 400 kr, Løssalg: 525 kr, Seniorer: 400 kr
LiteraturHaus, Møllegade 7, Copenhagen N
22 Mar, 12 am & 7 pm


The Same Table #1. Teaterinstallation. Varighed: 60 min uden pause.
Saturday 22 March 2025
The Same Table #1. Teaterinstallation. Varighed: 60 min uden pause.
Awkward er en farverig skulptur med ægte mad, som publikum udforsker gennem instruktioner i øret. Publikum inviteres til at række ind i overfloden: vælge med deres sanser og finde en dyb forbindelse til maden på vores bord og til menneskene omkring os.

Awkward handler også om "hvordan" vi nyder eller forbruger mad. Om hvordan det kan være svært eller pinligt at deltage i fællesskabsstunder i vores samfund. Hvordan både vores mad og vores relationer hænger sammen med vores mentale sundhed.

Forestillingen afsluttes med en fællesspisning. Hovedretterne er veganske og glutenfri, og vi spørger om specifikke allergier ved ankomsten

Medvirkende: Delia Trice, Miriam Röstlinger Goldkuhl, Alem Gebrehewot, Jaqueline Mortensen, Daniel G. Muniz
Saturday 22 March 2025, 12 am & 7 pm.
Entré: Børn/Unge: 90 kr, Gruppe, Børn/Unge: 40 kr, Gruppe, Voksen: 400 kr, Ledsager til Gruppe, Børn/Unge: 400 kr, Løssalg: 525 kr, Seniorer: 400 kr
LiteraturHaus, Møllegade 7, Copenhagen N
Workshop: Simple sound setups for small songwriter venues
23 Mar, 16 - 6 pm

Workshop: Simple sound setups for small songwriter venues

This workshop, given by Cph Listening Room's sound technician, focuses on simple sound setups for solo/duo performances in small venues. It describes the various setups one is likely to encounter and how to address them.
Sunday 23 March 2025
This workshop, given by Cph Listening Room's sound technician, focuses on simple sound setups for solo/duo performances in small venues. It describes the various setups one is likely to encounter and how to address them.
This workshop, given by Cph Listening Room's sound technician, focuses on simple sound setups for solo/duo performances in small venues. It describes the various setups one is likely to encounter and how to address them. It will probably proceed in three parts:
1) Stage setup, equipment and sound check
2) Working the sound desk
3) Discussion, questions and shared experiences

The workshop is free to members of The Listening Roomies association, as well as to members/subscribers of Literaturhaus. If you are neither, but would like to attend the workshop, please see how to join in the event comments.

PLACE: Main Hall (where we do our Sunday night concerts)
After the workshop, the Listening Room will happen as usual from 19.30, with open stage registration from 19:15
Sunday 23 March 2025, 16 - 6 pm.
Fri entré
LiteraturHaus, Møllegade 7, Copenhagen N
Cph Listening Room Feat: Evariste (DK)
23 Mar, 19:00 - 11.00 pm

Cph Listening Room Feat: Evariste (DK)

Our weekly Copenhagen singer-songwriter venue is known for its attentive audience, international & welcoming atmosphere and pro sound. And, for being all volunteer run, by The Listening Roomies Forening. House guitar & grand piano.
Sunday 23 March 2025
Our weekly Copenhagen singer-songwriter venue is known for its attentive audience, international & welcoming atmosphere and pro sound. And, for being all volunteer run, by The Listening Roomies Forening. House guitar & grand piano.
Evariste will be performing the song cycle 'Projektioner'; five songs in Danish about violence, desire, aging, hope, and imprisoned desperation; neatly projected onto clay, plants, animals, the weather, and random strangers.
Evariste's music bears traces of inspiration from various classical and rhythmical genres, and is delivered on often surprising melodies accompanied by a gentle guitar.

Open stage:

- Two-song spots (max 10 minutes) for the first 14 songwriters who sign up from 19.15. Live original music only.
Eloquent hosting - and a bunch of friendly volunteers on sound, lights, camera & in the bar.

- Featured artist at 9 pm:
Evariste (DK)
Sunday 23 March 2025, 19:00 - 11.00 pm.
Fri entré
LiteraturHaus, Møllegade 7, Copenhagen N
24 Mar, 5 pm


Everybody welcome. So here we are, a bunch of strangers with pens. Some of us are writers, or so we say. Others just like the idea of putting words down and seeing what happens. Either way, you?re in the right place.
Monday 24 March 2025
Everybody welcome. So here we are, a bunch of strangers with pens. Some of us are writers, or so we say. Others just like the idea of putting words down and seeing what happens. Either way, you?re in the right place.
Every Monday at Literaturhaus Café, we gather to do something outrageous: we write. By hand. Together. No one?s here to tell you what to do. There are prompts, sure, little nudges to get your brain working. But what you do with them is up to you. The rule is simple: don?t overthink it. Write fast. Write messy. Write as if you?re trying to outrun a bear and the bear is self-doubt. First thoughts are best thoughts, or at least they?re a start. When the dust settles, we read. Not because we?re auditioning for anything, but because it?s nice to hear how other people?s brains work. It?s nice to see that their words are just as messy and marvelous as yours. You can write in English, Danish, or whatever language keeps you company at night. Doesn?t matter. You?re here, and that?s enough. Wordsword isn?t about being good at writing. It?s about showing up, which, let?s face it, is most of the battle. It?s about connecting: to your own thoughts, to the page, and to the people around you who are all just trying to make sense of things, same as you. So grab a pen. Bring a story. Let?s see what happens. Wordsword is hosted by Patrick Horner, a Canadian poet and engineer based in Denmark, specializing in developing water treatment technologies. His literary works, encompassing poetry and fiction, have been featured internationally in various journals and magazines. As a dedicated cultural organizer, he contributes to Red Door: and serves as a co-director of Nature and Culture, Copenhagen International Poetry Film Festival. Patrick has facilitated writing workshops in diverse settings, including prisons and psychiatric hospitals. His debut poetic novel, ?Refugia:,? was released by the University of Calgary Press in 2022
Monday 24 March 2025, 5 pm.
LiteraturHaus, Møllegade 7, Copenhagen N