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Last updated
12/9 2023
Karuna meditation institute
Dronning Olgas Vej 41, baghuset 1.sal
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
GPS-info: Lat 55.6888, Lon 12.5348

Alle forestillinger

Rebirthing Breathwork
14 Mar, 5.30 pm - 9.30 pm

Rebirthing Breathwork

Come join us, as we dive into an amazing inner adventure, into the deep wisdom of the inner healer with Rebirthing breathwork.
Friday 14 March 2025
Karuna meditation institute
Come join us, as we dive into an amazing inner adventure, into the deep wisdom of the inner healer with Rebirthing breathwork.
Rebirthing breathwork offers a way to enter an altered state of consciousness, by using our breath and music in sacred space to tap into the wisdom of the Universe.
The Rebirthing breathwork is an experiential process that use a circular breathing technique to music attuned to the subtle energy body also known as the prana-maya kosha.Benefits of Rebirthing breathwork:
Access expanded states of consciousness that allow you to tap into your "inner healer" for deep wisdom

Gaining insights and solutions for areas in your life that feel stuck and unfulfilled: in work, finances and relationships

Release old patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you

Release energetic blocks in your body - often resulting in decrease in chronic pain

Feelings of deep peace, joy and increased access to creativity.

Rebirthing breathwork blends the timeless wisdom of ancient traditions with modern methods of healing and teaching. The Rebirthing breathwork process is inspired by Holotropic Breathwork by Stan Grof to support and assist individuals in their personal transformational journeys.

What to Bring
Wear loose and comfortable clothing
A journal
Water bottle
An open mind and heart

Rebirthing breathwork journey
Sharing circle

Your Facilitators
Alex V. Gamberini is a psychotherapist. With a focus on Body-oriented trauma therapy. Facilitating sensory and emotional awareness using a combination of hands-on and verbal therapy to heal trauma. He has 15+ years of experience in meditation, particularly in vipassana and in the kriya yoga tradition.

Read more about Alex:

Remember do not eat 2-3 hours befor the session

Safety issues:
Because of the strong physical and emotional releases that may arise, it's not recommended for people with:
Cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure glaucoma, retinal detachment history of psychosis severe mental illness or pregnant women
Join us now!
Friday 14 March 2025, 5.30 pm - 9.30 pm.
Entré: 450 kr
Karuna meditation institute, Dronning Olgas Vej 41, baghuset 1.sal, Frederiksberg
Rebirthing Breathwork
4 Apr, 5.30 pm - 9.30 pm

Rebirthing Breathwork

Come join us, as we dive into an amazing inner adventure, into the deep wisdom of the inner healer with Rebirthing breathwork.
Friday 4 April 2025
Karuna meditation institute
Come join us, as we dive into an amazing inner adventure, into the deep wisdom of the inner healer with Rebirthing breathwork.
Rebirthing breathwork offers a way to enter an altered state of consciousness, by using our breath and music in sacred space to tap into the wisdom of the Universe.
The Rebirthing breathwork is an experiential process that use a circular breathing technique to music attuned to the subtle energy body also known as the prana-maya kosha.Benefits of Rebirthing breathwork:
Access expanded states of consciousness that allow you to tap into your "inner healer" for deep wisdom

Gaining insights and solutions for areas in your life that feel stuck and unfulfilled: in work, finances and relationships

Release old patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you

Release energetic blocks in your body - often resulting in decrease in chronic pain

Feelings of deep peace, joy and increased access to creativity.

Rebirthing breathwork blends the timeless wisdom of ancient traditions with modern methods of healing and teaching. The Rebirthing breathwork process is inspired by Holotropic Breathwork by Stan Grof to support and assist individuals in their personal transformational journeys.

What to Bring
Wear loose and comfortable clothing
A journal
Water bottle
An open mind and heart

Rebirthing breathwork journey
Sharing circle

Your Facilitators
Alex V. Gamberini is a psychotherapist. With a focus on Body-oriented trauma therapy. Facilitating sensory and emotional awareness using a combination of hands-on and verbal therapy to heal trauma. He has 15+ years of experience in meditation, particularly in vipassana and in the kriya yoga tradition.

Read more about Alex:

Remember do not eat 2-3 hours befor the session

Safety issues:
Because of the strong physical and emotional releases that may arise, it's not recommended for people with:
Cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure glaucoma, retinal detachment history of psychosis severe mental illness or pregnant women
Join us now!
Friday 4 April 2025, 5.30 pm - 9.30 pm.
Entré: 450 kr
Karuna meditation institute, Dronning Olgas Vej 41, baghuset 1.sal, Frederiksberg
Genforhandling af Fødselsprocessen
2 Maj, 5.30 pm - 4 pm

Genforhandling af Fødselsprocessen

Er du interesseret i at udforske og frigøre traumer relateret til fødslen samt skabe heling og fornyet forbindelse til din egen fødselsoplevelse og indre barn? Så er denne workshop noget for dig!
Friday 2 May 2025 to Sunday 4 May 2025
Karuna meditation institute
Er du interesseret i at udforske og frigøre traumer relateret til fødslen samt skabe heling og fornyet forbindelse til din egen fødselsoplevelse og indre barn? Så er denne workshop noget for dig!
I løbet af denne 3-dages workshop vil vi sammen udforske genforhandling af fødselsprocessen gennem Rebirthing breathwork, womb healing process og indre barn healing. Disse teknikker er designet til at hjælpe med at frigøre emotionelle og fysiske traumer, der kan være opstået før, under eller efter fødslen, samt skabe en ny oplevelse for dit indre barn.
Uanset om du har personlige erfaringer med traumer i forbindelse med din egen fødselsoplevelse, eller hvis du ønsker at lære redskaber til at hjælpe andre med at finde heling, vil denne workshop give dig mulighed for at udforske og lære.
Rebirthing breathwork
Womb healing process
Indre barn healing
Genforhandling af fødselsoplevelsen
Frigørelse af blokeringer i kroppen

Fredag 17:30 - 21:00
Lørdag 10:00 - 17:00
Søndag 10:00 - 16:00

Vi ser frem til at byde dig velkommen til en weekend med fokus på fordybelse og personlig udforskning
Friday 2 May 2025 to Sunday 4 May 2025, 5.30 pm - 4 pm.
Entré: 2900 kr
Karuna meditation institute, Dronning Olgas Vej 41, baghuset 1.sal, Frederiksberg
Rebirthing Breathwork
9 Maj, 5.30 pm - 9.30 pm

Rebirthing Breathwork

Come join us, as we dive into an amazing inner adventure, into the deep wisdom of the inner healer with Rebirthing breathwork.
Friday 9 May 2025
Karuna meditation institute
Come join us, as we dive into an amazing inner adventure, into the deep wisdom of the inner healer with Rebirthing breathwork.
Rebirthing breathwork offers a way to enter an altered state of consciousness, by using our breath and music in sacred space to tap into the wisdom of the Universe.

The Rebirthing breathwork is an experiential process that use a circular breathing technique to music attuned to the subtle energy body also known as the prana-maya kosha.

Benefits of Rebirthing breathwork:

Access expanded states of consciousness that allow you to tap into your "inner healer" for deep wisdom

Gaining insights and solutions for areas in your life that feel stuck and unfulfilled: in work, finances and relationships

Release old patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you

Release energetic blocks in your body - often resulting in decrease in chronic pain

Feelings of deep peace, joy and increased access to creativity.

Rebirthing breathwork blends the timeless wisdom of ancient traditions with modern methods of healing and teaching. The Rebirthing breathwork process is inspired by Holotropic Breathwork by Stan Grof to support and assist individuals in their personal transformational journeys.

What to Bring

Wear loose and comfortable clothing

A journal

Water bottle

An open mind and heart


Introduction and meditation

Rebirthing breathwork journey and live druming

Sharing circle

Your Facilitators

Alex V. Gamberini is a psychotherapist. With a focus on Body-oriented trauma therapy. Facilitating sensory and emotional awareness using a combination of hands-on and verbal therapy to heal trauma. He has 15+ years of experience in meditation, particularly in vipassana and in the kriya yoga tradition.

Read more about Alex:

Remember do not eat 2-3 hours befor the session

Safety issues:

Because of the strong physical and emotional releases that may arise, it's not recommended for people with:

Cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure glaucoma, retinal detachment history of psychosis severe mental illness or pregnant women

Join us now!
Friday 9 May 2025, 5.30 pm - 9.30 pm.
Entré: 450 kr
Karuna meditation institute, Dronning Olgas Vej 41, baghuset 1.sal, Frederiksberg