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Hello people! We are a social volunteer organization that aims at educating and teaching people how to make their own handmade cosmetics. At the beginning, we are focusing on handmade soap bars. Soap will be made through the so called cold process. What does it mean? It means that the soap that we will produce will need a month to cure before it can be used. Do not worry, we will tell you everything at workshop as well ;) ;)

Viser 9 events fra/efter 6. jul. 2024

Soap making workshop
Diverse | Workshop

Soap making workshop

Søndag den 25. august 2024, kl. 10-13 & 14-17.
Pris: Entré: 95 kr Køb/bestil billet
Kulturhuset Islands Brygge, Islands Brygge 18, København S CustomiseMe
Learn how to make handmade vegan and organic soap. You will get to bring over 2 bars of soap home. The soap is done through the cold process. Hello people!

We are glad you are interested in hearing more about our Soap Making Workshop!

During this workshop you will learn how to make your own hand-made biological soap. You will be given an introduction on the process as well as on aromatherapy. We will teach you which combination of essential oils will fit best the soap you want to make.
Soap will be made through the so called cold process. What does it mean? It means that the soap that we will produce will need a month to cure before it can be used. Do not worry, we will tell you everything at workshop as well ;) ;)

You will have plenty of time to ask question and be creative with the ingredients and colours :) :)

The whole workshop will last approximately 3hrs.

At the end of the workshop, each participant will have approximately 250gr of handmade soap that they will have created themselves. We suggest you to sign up with a friend, since people will be working in couples.

Your handmade soap bars will be in a few silicon molds that you will take home (will be provided). In order to do so, please take with you containers for transporting them back home. We suggest you a minimum of 4-5 containers/tupperwares.

Looking forward to seeing you there
Soap making workshop
Diverse | Workshop

Soap making workshop

Søndag den 15. september 2024, kl. 10-13.
Pris: Entré: 250 kr Køb/bestil billet
Kulturmaskinen - Tekstilværkstedet, Farvergården 7, 3. sal, Odense C CustomiseMe
Learn how to make handmade vegan and organic soap. You will get to bring over 2 bars of soap home. The soap is done through the cold process. Hello people!

We are glad you are interested in hearing more about our Soap Making Workshop!

During this workshop you will learn how to make your own hand-made biological soap. You will be given an introduction on the process as well as on aromatherapy. We will teach you which combination of essential oils will fit best the soap you want to make.
Soap will be made through the so called cold process. What does it mean? It means that the soap that we will produce will need a month to cure before it can be used. Do not worry, we will tell you everything at workshop as well ;) ;)

You will have plenty of time to ask question and be creative with the ingredients and colours :) :)

The whole workshop will last approximately 3hrs.

At the end of the workshop, each participant will have approximately 250gr of handmade soap that they will have created themselves. We suggest you to sign up with a friend, since people will be working in couples.

Your handmade soap bars will be in a few silicon molds that you will take home (will be provided). In order to do so, please take with you containers for transporting them back home. We suggest you a minimum of 3-4 containers/tupperwares.

Looking forward to seeing you there
Soap making workshop
Diverse | Workshop

Soap making workshop

Søndag den 29. september 2024, kl. 10-13 & 14-17.
Pris: Entré: 95 kr Køb/bestil billet
Kulturhuset Islands Brygge, Islands Brygge 18, København S CustomiseMe
Learn how to make handmade vegan and organic soap. You will get to bring over 2 bars of soap home. The soap is done through the cold process. Hello people!

We are glad you are interested in hearing more about our Soap Making Workshop!

During this workshop you will learn how to make your own hand-made biological soap. You will be given an introduction on the process as well as on aromatherapy. We will teach you which combination of essential oils will fit best the soap you want to make.
Soap will be made through the so called cold process. What does it mean? It means that the soap that we will produce will need a month to cure before it can be used. Do not worry, we will tell you everything at workshop as well ;) ;)

You will have plenty of time to ask question and be creative with the ingredients and colours :) :)

The whole workshop will last approximately 3hrs.

At the end of the workshop, each participant will have approximately 250gr of handmade soap that they will have created themselves. We suggest you to sign up with a friend, since people will be working in couples.

Your handmade soap bars will be in a few silicon molds that you will take home (will be provided). In order to do so, please take with you containers for transporting them back home. We suggest you a minimum of 4-5 containers/tupperwares.

Looking forward to seeing you there
Soap making workshop
Diverse | Workshop

Soap making workshop

Søndag den 13. oktober 2024, kl. 10-13.
Pris: Entré: 250 kr Køb/bestil billet
Kulturmaskinen - Tekstilværkstedet, Farvergården 7, 3. sal, Odense C CustomiseMe
Learn how to make handmade vegan and organic soap. You will get to bring over 2 bars of soap home. The soap is done through the cold process. Hello people!

We are glad you are interested in hearing more about our Soap Making Workshop!

During this workshop you will learn how to make your own hand-made biological soap. You will be given an introduction on the process as well as on aromatherapy. We will teach you which combination of essential oils will fit best the soap you want to make.
Soap will be made through the so called cold process. What does it mean? It means that the soap that we will produce will need a month to cure before it can be used. Do not worry, we will tell you everything at workshop as well ;) ;)

You will have plenty of time to ask question and be creative with the ingredients and colours :) :)

The whole workshop will last approximately 3hrs.

At the end of the workshop, each participant will have approximately 250gr of handmade soap that they will have created themselves. We suggest you to sign up with a friend, since people will be working in couples.

Your handmade soap bars will be in a few silicon molds that you will take home (will be provided). In order to do so, please take with you containers for transporting them back home. We suggest you a minimum of 3-4 containers/tupperwares.

Looking forward to seeing you there
Soap making workshop
Diverse | Workshop

Soap making workshop

Søndag den 27. oktober 2024, kl. 10-13 & 14-17.
Pris: Entré: 95 kr Køb/bestil billet
Kulturhuset Islands Brygge, Islands Brygge 18, København S CustomiseMe
Learn how to make handmade vegan and organic soap. You will get to bring over 2 bars of soap home. The soap is done through the cold process. Hello people!

We are glad you are interested in hearing more about our Soap Making Workshop!

During this workshop you will learn how to make your own hand-made biological soap. You will be given an introduction on the process as well as on aromatherapy. We will teach you which combination of essential oils will fit best the soap you want to make.
Soap will be made through the so called cold process. What does it mean? It means that the soap that we will produce will need a month to cure before it can be used. Do not worry, we will tell you everything at workshop as well ;) ;)

You will have plenty of time to ask question and be creative with the ingredients and colours :) :)

The whole workshop will last approximately 3hrs.

At the end of the workshop, each participant will have approximately 250gr of handmade soap that they will have created themselves. We suggest you to sign up with a friend, since people will be working in couples.

Your handmade soap bars will be in a few silicon molds that you will take home (will be provided). In order to do so, please take with you containers for transporting them back home. We suggest you a minimum of 4-5 containers/tupperwares.

Looking forward to seeing you there
Soap making workshop
Diverse | Workshop

Soap making workshop

Søndag den 10. november 2024, kl. 10-13.
Pris: Entré: 250 kr Køb/bestil billet
Kulturmaskinen - Tekstilværkstedet, Farvergården 7, 3. sal, Odense C CustomiseMe
Learn how to make handmade vegan and organic soap. You will get to bring over 2 bars of soap home. The soap is done through the cold process. Hello people!

We are glad you are interested in hearing more about our Soap Making Workshop!

During this workshop you will learn how to make your own hand-made biological soap. You will be given an introduction on the process as well as on aromatherapy. We will teach you which combination of essential oils will fit best the soap you want to make.
Soap will be made through the so called cold process. What does it mean? It means that the soap that we will produce will need a month to cure before it can be used. Do not worry, we will tell you everything at workshop as well ;) ;)

You will have plenty of time to ask question and be creative with the ingredients and colours :) :)

The whole workshop will last approximately 3hrs.

At the end of the workshop, each participant will have approximately 250gr of handmade soap that they will have created themselves. We suggest you to sign up with a friend, since people will be working in couples.

Your handmade soap bars will be in a few silicon molds that you will take home (will be provided). In order to do so, please take with you containers for transporting them back home. We suggest you a minimum of 3-4 containers/tupperwares.

Looking forward to seeing you there
Soap making workshop
Diverse | Workshop

Soap making workshop

Søndag den 24. november 2024, kl. 10-13 & 14-17.
Pris: Entré: 95 kr Køb/bestil billet
Kulturhuset Islands Brygge, Islands Brygge 18, København S CustomiseMe
Learn how to make handmade vegan and organic soap. You will get to bring over 2 bars of soap home. The soap is done through the cold process. Hello people!

We are glad you are interested in hearing more about our Soap Making Workshop!

During this workshop you will learn how to make your own hand-made biological soap. You will be given an introduction on the process as well as on aromatherapy. We will teach you which combination of essential oils will fit best the soap you want to make.
Soap will be made through the so called cold process. What does it mean? It means that the soap that we will produce will need a month to cure before it can be used. Do not worry, we will tell you everything at workshop as well ;) ;)

You will have plenty of time to ask question and be creative with the ingredients and colours :) :)

The whole workshop will last approximately 3hrs.

At the end of the workshop, each participant will have approximately 250gr of handmade soap that they will have created themselves. We suggest you to sign up with a friend, since people will be working in couples.

Your handmade soap bars will be in a few silicon molds that you will take home (will be provided). In order to do so, please take with you containers for transporting them back home. We suggest you a minimum of 4-5 containers/tupperwares.

Looking forward to seeing you there
Soap making workshop
Diverse | Workshop

Soap making workshop

Søndag den 8. december 2024, kl. 10-13.
Pris: Entré: 250 kr Køb/bestil billet
Kulturmaskinen - Tekstilværkstedet, Farvergården 7, 3. sal, Odense C CustomiseMe
Learn how to make handmade vegan and organic soap. You will get to bring over 2 bars of soap home. The soap is done through the cold process. Hello people!

We are glad you are interested in hearing more about our Soap Making Workshop!

During this workshop you will learn how to make your own hand-made biological soap. You will be given an introduction on the process as well as on aromatherapy. We will teach you which combination of essential oils will fit best the soap you want to make.
Soap will be made through the so called cold process. What does it mean? It means that the soap that we will produce will need a month to cure before it can be used. Do not worry, we will tell you everything at workshop as well ;) ;)

You will have plenty of time to ask question and be creative with the ingredients and colours :) :)

The whole workshop will last approximately 3hrs.

At the end of the workshop, each participant will have approximately 250gr of handmade soap that they will have created themselves. We suggest you to sign up with a friend, since people will be working in couples.

Your handmade soap bars will be in a few silicon molds that you will take home (will be provided). In order to do so, please take with you containers for transporting them back home. We suggest you a minimum of 3-4 containers/tupperwares.

Looking forward to seeing you there
Soap making workshop
Diverse | Workshop

Soap making workshop

Søndag den 15. december 2024, kl. 10-13 & 14-17.
Pris: Entré: 95 kr Køb/bestil billet
Kulturhuset Islands Brygge, Islands Brygge 18, København S CustomiseMe
Learn how to make handmade vegan and organic soap. You will get to bring over 2 bars of soap home. The soap is done through the cold process. Hello people!

We are glad you are interested in hearing more about our Soap Making Workshop!

During this workshop you will learn how to make your own hand-made biological soap. You will be given an introduction on the process as well as on aromatherapy. We will teach you which combination of essential oils will fit best the soap you want to make.
Soap will be made through the so called cold process. What does it mean? It means that the soap that we will produce will need a month to cure before it can be used. Do not worry, we will tell you everything at workshop as well ;) ;)

You will have plenty of time to ask question and be creative with the ingredients and colours :) :)

The whole workshop will last approximately 3hrs.

At the end of the workshop, each participant will have approximately 250gr of handmade soap that they will have created themselves. We suggest you to sign up with a friend, since people will be working in couples.

Your handmade soap bars will be in a few silicon molds that you will take home (will be provided). In order to do so, please take with you containers for transporting them back home. We suggest you a minimum of 4-5 containers/tupperwares.

Looking forward to seeing you there