Artkemi Gallery

Artkemi is contemporary art gallery with danish and international art. Great atmosphere in the Artists street(Rørholmsgade) of the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen. Gallery presents exhibitions of Danish artists, and has a special focus on international artists, who lives in Denmark, and also exhibitions of international artist from different countries. Artkemi gallery is the place, where artists from different cultures can meet together, and have a very interesting dialog about everything

Artkemi Gallery

Øster Farimagsgade 15 kld. th.

1353 København K

Tel.: +45 28 76 25 79

Ytterligare information: Hemsida

Öppettider: Man-fr. 11-16, og efter aftale. Hver 1. søndag Åbent Hus

Entré: Fri entré