Galleri Krebsen
Since 1991 our gallery has on a regular basis been showing a variety of exhibitions from Nordic and international artists. Exhibitions span from paintings via drawings and graphic prints to textiles, photos and sculptures. The old storage building which houses the gallery is a listed building that dates from 1803. The gallery uses two of the four floors for exhibitions, while the two top floors are artists ' studios, where currently Rasmus Koch, furniture designer, and Per Skovgaard, painter, are working. The gallery also offers charming surroundings for private functions such as receptions, meetings, buffet dinners for 40- 80 persons and private parties. Our restaurant will handle all catering challenges.

Galleri Krebsen
Studiestræde 17A
DK-1455 Copenhagen K
Tel.: ++45 45 33123174 / +45 26213174
More information: Homepage
Opening hours:
Ti.-fr. 12 am - 6 pm, lø. 11 am - 3 pm